

Poor and uneducated people are the scum of the earth

I was too lazy to go to medical school so I just became a paramedic instead, and so far I hate this job so much. I always get called into poor neighborhoods where it's some drug addict or other form of degenerate that brought their injury upon themselves. I ran over someone with my ambulance once because they held a gun at me for not getting there fast enough. I regret nothing and he deserved it, the judge agreed with me and he's still alive so it really doesn't matter. I just can't stand 99% of the people I get called to, some of them deserve their sicknesses and injuries.

March 8, 2016

7 Comments • Newest first


Don't cops usually get called to these types of situations as well?

Reply March 8, 2016

Working a job you hate is your life.

Reply March 8, 2016

dude you're an EMT... Did you expect something else?

Reply March 8, 2016

I'd contend that the loud, educated and ignorant are worse than the poor and uneducated. At least the poor and uneducated have a reasonable excuse for being the way they are; people who are educated, yet still manage to act just as irrationally lack said excuse.

Now, I don't blame you for running the person over for pulling a gun on you (I probably would've done the same thing and maybe even enjoyed it; my personal eccentricity), but grouping the "poor and uneducated" in a fit of emotional frustration isn't exactly a well thought out response.

Reply March 8, 2016

People are depressing in general

Reply March 8, 2016 - edited

front hand or back hand?

Reply March 8, 2016 - edited

thank god people like you aren't in med school preparing to be doctors.

Reply March 8, 2016 - edited