

3 Quick Kanna Questions

1. whats considered a "decent" range. Since our ranges are inflated, i was wondering if a 200k self buffed at 170 is considered decent.
2. Whats our main attack skills? I know shiki is one of them but what low mana cost skills should i be using? I use VC but thats it.
3. Is there a strategy in using our ulti/semi-ulti moves?
I've been wondering these questions since i came back a few days ago from a 2 year hiatus and would appreciate some answers. Thank you!

July 8, 2015

22 Comments • Newest first


[quote=Conceit]@NinjaOfTennis: problem is I don't wanna go into the trouble of perfecting another haku fan >.< the current one took long enough....

@Singaporean: sigh... I haven't even finished tyrants or my other gear yet. I also have dream pot on my haku fan. Not sure if additional 20-30% more matk is worth losing my 27% matk and 10% int lines.... At least, we know for sure that our fafnir primaries aren't obsolete... Sigh, I kind of just want to commission someone to perfect absolu fan for me and i'll transpose... The hassle of priming is so real with guards and prots. Can you clarify those calcs? How is primed absolu getting 467 matk?

One of my guildies just made a really good point. Absolu gear is 160 so it can't be transposed. Mira are those calcs without transposition considered?[/quote]

It's called toad hammer in kms. It's their transpose system. I believe it keeps the potential but I may be wrong. If it did reset it though, I have a good feeling Max (orangemush) would have stated so, so I'm going to remain hopeful that it keeps the potential.

off topic: 2nd pendant slot in maple rewards shop! Infinite hype.

Reply July 10, 2015

@NinjaOfTennis: LOL there's plenty of stuff left for me to upgrade. I just don't like the idea of having an obsolete haku fan when its arguably the most important equip on kanna

Reply July 10, 2015

[quote=Conceit]@NinjaOfTennis: problem is I don't wanna go into the trouble of perfecting another haku fan >.< the current one took long enough....

@Singaporean: sigh... I haven't even finished tyrants or my other gear yet. I also have dream pot on my haku fan. Not sure if additional 20-30% more matk is worth losing my 27% matk and 10% int lines.... At least, we know for sure that our fafnir primaries aren't obsolete... Sigh, I kind of just want to commission someone to perfect absolu fan for me and i'll transpose... The hassle of priming is so real with guards and prots. Can you clarify those calcs? How is primed absolu getting 467 matk?

One of my guildies just made a really good point. Absolu gear is 160 so it can't be transposed. Mira are those calcs without transposition considered?[/quote]

o rip. That's a really nice pot on the fan LOL
Yeah, priming is definitely expensive (it may be my least favorite thing to do in this game), but if you're running out of ideas for possible upgrades or anything like that I'd consider it.

[quote=jerry5000]always measure by main stat:
noob-under 3k int
regular mapler-4-5k int
semi-fundnde-5-9k int
funded 10k-16k int
No clown 20k+[/quote]

is 16,001 - 19,999 int clown group?

Reply July 10, 2015

@Conceit: well i think the formula is something like floor[(m.att of wep)/50] + 1, which basically means that if you have a 453m.att fan and enhance it, it'll give you floor(453/50) + 1 m.att, floor meaning always rounding down, and you'd gain 10 m.att. In other terms, you gain 1 additional m.att per enhancement for every 50m.att on the weapon

Reply July 9, 2015 - edited

always measure by main stat:
noob-under 3k int
regular mapler-4-5k int
semi-fundnde-5-9k int
funded 10k-16k int
No clown 20k+

Reply July 9, 2015 - edited

[quote=loxiona]@Conceit Well for the primed abs fan, you have 241 clean, then 341 after primes (10m.att * 10), and then 15 enhancements which would be (+7) * 2,(+8) * 6, (+9) * 6, (+10) * 1, which works out to 467m.att (233%m.att, 247%m.att w/ co)[/quote]

ah thanks. do you have a link to any tables that give the values for stat gain per enhancement for weapons/equips?

Reply July 9, 2015 - edited

@Conceit Well for the primed abs fan, you have 241 clean, then 341 after primes (10m.att * 10), and then 15 enhancements which would be (+7) * 2,(+8) * 6, (+9) * 6, (+10) * 1, which works out to 467m.att (233%m.att, 247%m.att w/ co)

Reply July 9, 2015 - edited

@NinjaOfTennis: problem is I don't wanna go into the trouble of perfecting another haku fan >.< the current one took long enough....

@Singaporean: sigh... I haven't even finished tyrants or my other gear yet. I also have dream pot on my haku fan. Not sure if additional 20-30% more matk is worth losing my 27% matk and 10% int lines.... At least, we know for sure that our fafnir primaries aren't obsolete... Sigh, I kind of just want to commission someone to perfect absolu fan for me and i'll transpose... The hassle of priming is so real with guards and prots. Can you clarify those calcs? How is primed absolu getting 467 matk?

One of my guildies just made a really good point. Absolu gear is 160 so it can't be transposed. Mira are those calcs without transposition considered?

Reply July 9, 2015 - edited

@loxiona Wow really? I remmeber bfr hypers it was shiki. Thank you!

Reply July 9, 2015 - edited

@hummer195 It's a lot better. like 2x-3x more dps

Reply July 9, 2015 - edited

Hmm ok. Would you guys say that VC with the +2 mob and +1 attack is better than shiki?

Reply July 9, 2015 - edited

[quote=Conceit]what do you think of scrolling up an absolu fan then transpose? It will probably exceed our current ~400matk transposed sws[/quote]

I have a 404 att untransposed fafnir, but I was planning to possibly fever scroll an abso fan if easily enough obtainable
The base attack on them seems to be much higher, so it'll definitely exceed. Also they can be psok'ed, so...

Reply July 9, 2015 - edited

*looks at 398 matk sw.... cries

Well it's gonna be hard to get but maybe someone will get one from an abso box upon hitting 150 for the event?
I'm thinking of just getting one then waiting for that kms transpose thing.

My fan should end up 440 matk but a primed sw that has +10 will be 467. With Haku's buff that's 220% matk for me and 233% matk for whoever primed a fan. Crazy. With co it's higher of course.

Reply July 8, 2015 - edited

[quote=Singaporean]My main skill set up:
x - jump
z- attack
d - shiki
c - vc
f- macro'd buffs (booster, purple 4th job thing, mw)
v - that 2nd job dash skill
b - 2nd job aoe (mini ult w/e) that poisons
delete - orochi
shift - sakura
pg down - foot dude
end - pots
alt - potion pot
home - haku
"-" - blackhearted curse
; - kishin

. - boss barrier
u - regular barrier but it's useless since it has a cd...
, - decent skill buffs (se hb co)

Those are virtually all the skills you need. It seems a bit funny to a lot of people but I cluster the main aspects of the game in an area near my left hand. Jump/attack/shiki/vc.
Ults, pots, haku are at the insert/home/pg down/delete/end/pg up cluster on the keyboard. You don't really need anything else. I'll probably upload an ss of my keys but not now since game is down.[/quote]

on a side note mira, what do you think of scrolling up an absolu fan then transpose? It will probably exceed our current ~400matk transposed sws

Reply July 8, 2015 - edited

[quote=hummer195]Hmmm ok Thanks everyone, i apreciate all your of your insights! if i could add one thing,the reason i'm asking is because I've ran out of space for my skills. alt/ctrl is Vc/Shiki, shift is my tele, a x c v b n are the ultis and rtyuj,df are my buffs . So I'm not sure if i can take an ulti out or something and replace it with a decent skill if there is one i can use in SDH. whatcha guys think?[/quote]

My main skill set up:
x - jump
z- attack
d - shiki
c - vc
f- macro'd buffs (booster, purple 4th job thing, mw)
v - that 2nd job dash skill
b - 2nd job aoe (mini ult w/e) that poisons
delete - orochi
shift - sakura
pg down - foot dude
end - pots
alt - potion pot
home - haku
"-" - blackhearted curse
; - kishin

. - boss barrier
u - regular barrier but it's useless since it has a cd...
, - decent skill buffs (se hb co)

Those are virtually all the skills you need. It seems a bit funny to a lot of people but I cluster the main aspects of the game in an area near my left hand. Jump/attack/shiki/vc.
Ults, pots, haku are at the insert/home/pg down/delete/end/pg up cluster on the keyboard. You don't really need anything else. I'll probably upload an ss of my keys but not now since game is down.

Reply July 8, 2015 - edited

[quote=hummer195]Hmmm ok Thanks everyone, i apreciate all your of your insights! if i could add one thing,the reason i'm asking is because I've ran out of space for my skills. alt/ctrl is Vc/Shiki, shift is my tele, a x c v b n are the ultis and rtyuj,df are my buffs . So I'm not sure if i can take an ulti out or something and replace it with a decent skill if there is one i can use in SDH. whatcha guys think?[/quote]

I answered this in an earlier thread so I'll c/p the answer.

IMO, this depends heavily on your level and whether you've hit 4th yet.

Up to 3rd job, the main keybinds I have are the following:
space - haunting shiki
pgdn - kish
x - pot
ctrl - tele
shift - crow lightning
home/ins/end/del - buffs

In 4th job,
space - vanq
shift - bellflower
pgdn - kish
pgup - drop the foot
end - drop the tree
home - dash
8/9/0/- - buffs, etc.

*shiki on "c" in 4th.

Reply July 8, 2015 - edited

Hmmm ok Thanks everyone, i apreciate all your of your insights! if i could add one thing,the reason i'm asking is because I've ran out of space for my skills. alt/ctrl is Vc/Shiki, shift is my tele, a x c v b n are the ultis and rtyuj,df are my buffs . So I'm not sure if i can take an ulti out or something and replace it with a decent skill if there is one i can use in SDH. whatcha guys think?

Reply July 8, 2015 - edited

Decent range is whatever suits your needs. For training, you want to ideally kill the monsters (training spot = sdh) in 2-3 hits. This means 4-5m lines on shiki if you plan to use little to no mana. You can also use spirit corral IF it can one shot mobs. If you want to boss then, like every other class, you want to range up until you can cap or come close to it. I'd say doing 35m lines+ is pretty good.

Main attacking skill as others have said is VC. Shiki is for training, but VC will probably be used once we can move while using it.

You don't need ultimates. Even if you can't one shot with regular attacks, ultimates are not needed. They just do big numbers. I only use them to show cap on mobs.

As you're gearing up, you'll notice you'll use sakura and soul shear (explode skill) to kill mobs a lot. This is because on the way to getting stronger, these skills can one shot the best.Also the sand demon can produce a lot of the red orbs so you can explode them for more kills after using it.

Reply July 8, 2015 - edited

oh just a quick add on for your third question: aside from breaking the monotony of grinding the fmas are good for killing some bosses quickly. I.e. use on zak to take the arms out quickly, use on HT to drop some damage and bind him for a bit. I sometimes use nimbus curse to stack some DoT although I do not think it's quite significant.

Reply July 8, 2015 - edited

1. "Decent" is very subjective because everybody has a different definition of what is considered good or bad. Kanna buffed ranges are very inflated, so if you want a somewhat iffy comparison between someone else I would compare clean ranges. However, I do not personally consider 200k buffed very good, a simple spelltraced RA set and 2 fans would probably bring me to around or over that. Do you use a second fan?

2. Main attack skils, Vanquisher's charm for bossing and yeah, shikigami haunting if you need to move around and there's mobs in front of you I guess. Else, your 3rd job mobbing skills spirit corral and tengu strike are good for maps such as KSH. Your hyper hits all mobs around you as well, which is quite good.

1. Uh... use the beginner full map attack skill before you go into dps a boss. It gives 20% extra damage buff for two minutes. Time it well
Put down bellflower barriers for %boss damage wherever you think you need them since 0 cooldown, and the status resist one in a good location.

That's about all for now I think, PM if you have any more questions
(Source: I have a 2m-2m kanna)

Reply July 8, 2015 - edited

1. decent range really depends on what your goals are. strictly mobbing and going for the bare minimum to ohko would be around 1.5m to ohko universally (including kishin). bossing of course just go as far as you can

2. VC is going to become a universal skill with the revamp coming evolving from a mostly bossing one because you'll be able to move while casting. but as of right now shiki spam + timing all your cooldown skills will keep you the most awake during long hours of training. if you ohko mobs then just set up kishin + shikigami spam the rest. VC for bossing though.

3. just use these skills whenever they're off cooldown when mobbing if you don't ohko, but if you do you can leave these ult skills alone. most bosses you're better off leaving the cd skills alone as well except maybe cvel, where i like to use binding tempest and falling sakura on occasion.

the cd skills only true purpose for me is to keep things lively while training so i don't get bored. kanna's flashiness is an integral part for game play to me. good luck!

Reply July 8, 2015 - edited