

Is santa considered a god?

I fail to see reason why he wouldn't be.

December 23, 2011

10 Comments • Newest first


[quote=sutper]He said "Goku is god" which implies he is the only god[/quote]

Wikipedia: [i]God is the English name given to a singular being in theistic and deistic religions (and other belief systems) who is either the sole deity in monotheism, or a single deity in polytheism.[/i]

>or a single deity in polytheism
Unless he's saying that Santa is specifically the sole monotheist god of Baha'i Faith, Christianity, Druzism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Samaritanism, Sikhism or Zoroastrianism, he's one of many. Even then, those are nine "Gods", who I'm sure don't have the same job description as the others.

Of course, in the end, a God is only a theory or a concept made true by faith and belief.

Reply December 23, 2011

[quote=balrog]I'm assuming you just made those words up to prove something? But that doesn't make sense, so Santa is not god.[/quote]

You say that Goku is a God and that Santa is not Goku, therefore Santa is not a god.
You never said that Goku is [i]the[/i] god, implying that he is the [i]only[/i] god. That is where my wonderfully crazy point was derived from.
And yes, I made up the words, but the concept is well known.

Reply December 23, 2011

Hes a fat man with a beard that has the ability to sneak into your house without you noticing,

he is in fact a god.

Reply December 23, 2011

Santa =/= God

I don't see any relation.

Reply December 23, 2011

Why do we have so many god and religion posts :o It's just going to end up as a flame war or lead to some immature comments, there is rarely a productive conversation, and if there is, it's only between like two people..

Reply December 23, 2011

[quote=balrog]Goku is god. Santa is not Goku. So therefore, Santa is not god.[/quote]

That's like saying
If all flaps are floops, but only some floops are fleps, meaning all flaps are fleps. That's wrong. Only some flaps are fleps.

Reply December 23, 2011

look up The Life & Adventures of Santa Claus movie to learn more of the claus mythos

Reply December 23, 2011

[quote=WrathX]No, because [b]I[/b] am God.

Seriously now, no. He's just a magical fat man who has magical reindeer who can fly and allow his sleigh to defy gravity. In other words, he's a witch.
In other words, what we're really celebrating during Christmas is a satanic witch fest hailing the fat witch Santa.[/quote]

Technically, it's Pagan, not Satanic. Christmas was originally a Pagan holiday, but the Church, like with all of the Pagan holidays, decided to declare that day as the birth of Jesus Christ (which is actually false - he was actually born sometime in September).

In other words, the Church (Christianity) is an evil entity who masks everything with "strong Christian overtones" to empower themselves.

Reply December 23, 2011

>He knows when you are sleeping/he knows when you're awake (Omniscience)
>Delivers billions of presents in one night (Omnipresent [yes, that was a pun]/Omnibenevolence)
>Flies through the air on a magical sleigh (Omnipotence)
>Is not real (Basic definition of a God)

Yep, he's a god.

Reply December 23, 2011