

hyperfire7 #Aran Talk

General Aran

How weak Arans became after KMS 1.2.248 patch Sorry for beating a dead horse, but amongst the continued streams of discontent posts at Insoya.com (Korea's Southperry equivalent) about how weak Arans became, finally someone posted screenshots of a funded Aran's stats and his corresponding damage output. Take a look:;category=131&divpage=83&no=409324 I tested on my Aran and found out you need about ~17K STR with ~600 w.att and 80% max critical damage increase to hit consistent max damage with Final Blow on normal mobs as of right now. The Aran in the image has 24K STR (and assuming with similar or better gears than mine since it's obvious he has endgame gear), but ALSO 111% MAX CRITICAL DAMAGE INCREASE, yet his Final Blow damage was n

General Aran

KMST 1.2.024 Aran Changes Source: From what the player showed in the video: 1) Adrenaline Boost: Duration increased from 10 seconds to 15 seconds (20 with hyper skill). Damage boost while in Adrenaline Boost state decreased from 500% to 400%. Now passively increases ALL skill's damage by 100%. 2) Cleaving Blow: 30% Boss Damage boost is now changed to 30% Damage boost. 3) Combo Drain: HP recovered decreased from 5% to 2%. Now adds 10% Max HP instead of +1000 Max HP. - This is a welcome change after having the majority of our skills nerfed and losing 120 weapon attack and 25% damage in the previous patch. I wouldn't mind if they give us 150~175% passive damage boost and reducing the active damage boost further. - The only question I have is i

General Aran

KMST 1.2.022 - Aran Changes Skill descriptions updated as of 10/29, 2:45PM PST. I didn't want to wait till Max's translation, so I translated it myself. Source: Here's the summary if you don't want to read the rest of my post: - Aran is officially a (badass-looking) woman. - We get a link skill that is very, if not the most useless link skill in-game. - Double/Triple/Full/Overswing were deleted, but we get an Overswing-like skill at 1st job that gets stronger with each job advancement. - Getting combos is going to be harder now. - Some of our skills with low utility are still there (i.e. Rolling Spin, etc.), and they only got graphical updates. - We get a Super Saiyan mode that lasts for 10~15 seconds after our combo count reaches a certain

General Aran

Yet another nerf KMST 1.2.030 Beginner Skill: Regained Memory - Boss Damage and Critical Rate boosts have been deleted. Back to Rien: Cooldown has been increased from 360 to 600 seconds. 3rd Job: Advanced Combo Ability: Status Resistance boost has been decreased from 60% to 40%. [b]Adrenaline Boost: Boost in damage when activated has been decreased from 400% to 150%.[/b] Hyper Skill: Adrenaline Generator: When Adrenaline Boost has been activated normally, this skill cannot be used for 15 seconds after the Adrenaline Boost state ended. Now increases damage cap by 15M (65M normally, 70M with Heroic Memories). What the actual heck are they thinking? After losing 120 attack, 25% damage, and 100~175% damage on our main attacking skills, our only