

hyperfire7 #Chat Talk

General Chat

Any doctors out there So for the past 10 days, I've been coughing sporadically (probably two~three times every 5 minutes). At first, I thought it was just some kind of cold, and thought it'll go away in a few days....well it's still here. I've tried cleaning my room inside out to remove dust, taking cough depressants, taking cough drops, turning up the heater, taking mucinex (to see if mucus is the source of the coughing), drinking warm/hot water...and I STILL WON'T STOP COUGHING. It's got to the point where my chest/head hurts everytime I cough now..Please help... Edit: I went to the doctor yesterday, and he just told me to drink lots of warm water and take non-prescription cold medicines....which by now has been proven ineffective.

General Chat

Just what is Sopa and how will it change the Internet? Some of my friends didn't even know SOPA existed until I mentioned it, and I'm guessing the same to the basil community. Don't worry, I'll inform you. Concisely put, [b]SOPA is an outrageous bill that allows the U.S Government to dictate the Internet.[/b] Why? If the bill becomes law, the government has the right to perform the following actions: 1. Shut down all illegal content without question/proper investigation. -So if the government just THINKS that some contents in the web violate the US copyright law, they can remove it. 2. Disallow any resistance that maybe fostered when the government tries to remove a content that they deem/assume is illegal. -WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO THE &q