

hyperfire7 #General Talk


Attack speed explained to all classes Except Mages I was inspired to write this after my Shadower friend spent $100 on Miracle Circulators to get the +1 Attack Speed IA, when in fact it does absolutely nothing for his class. Plus, people ask time to time on this forum on what the attack speed cap is--or if it even exists--and whether they reached the speed cap. Why does this happen? Because Nexon made the attack speed system in this game confusing as heck. For those wondering if there is a speed cap, yes there [b]are[/b]. Two speed caps, in fact. This is a bit of a text wall, but for those not clear on speed caps, hopefully I can make you understand this overly-confusing topic. [b]NOTE: THE FOLLOWING DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY MAGE CLASSES. THEY


KMST 1.2.046 - New Lv225 Area Arcana Because OrangeMushroom hasn't translated it yet, I took the liberty to do it. Update: OrangeMushroom has translated it now. *Note: This is not a word-for-word translation. I'll also mainly focus on information about Arcana as this is what players will presumably care the most about. Current as of 2/2/17. The 4th Area of Arcane River, Arcana, has been released. - You must be Lv225+, have killed Lucid, and have completed the "Decisive Battle" quest in Lachelein to access the area. - Easy Lucid has been added and killing her allows you to complete the "Decisive Battle" quest. Her total health is similar to Easy Cygnus, so defeating her shouldn't be a problem. She does not give any rewards though. - The them

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