

iElite #Chat Talk

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How can I become motivational? People always know me as a funny guy who is laid back and not very serious. Recently(last tuesday), I decided to help my friend get stronger at the gym but I'm having a tiny problem. I cannot get him to dig in and do his workout without decreasing the weights he lifts or giving him longer breaks as rewards. I think it has something to do with my voice because it loses all bass when I work out and I sound like someone who is afraid to speak. I showed him what he could be doing if he commits by benching 225lbs right in front of his face(only once though) but idk if it worked. What else can I do?

General Chat

What do people know you for the most? In school, people know me for being extremely frugal. I look for the best deal on food(I usually want the biggest share of food at the same price as everyone else) I when I give someone something and expect something in return later I call it an investment. If not, I call it giving to charity My favorite things to buy are usually on sale. I like to make bets on Halo 3/Reach games because I'm sure to win. Basically, anything to keep money that I eventually waste on 2 sausage mcmuffins and a large coffee from mcdonalds in the morning and a sweet onion chicken chicken teriyaki from subway in the evening.

General Chat

My first all nighter : D Hi, very few of you may remember me from the summer months. I tried several times to pull all-nighters but couldn't. Today, I think I am going to pull it off. I have about 2 hours to go because the sun doesnt come out until about 6:50. Anyone with all nighter experience? This is me right now [url=]I see your 5 and raise you 20 [/url] To the person who said I will feel bad, you are right. I want to throw up, my head is hurting and my hands are shaking. Idk though, I am going to put my music on and play Golden Sun EDIT: My 8 yr old neice who was trying to stay up with me fell asleep at around 6:10 A.M. Give her a hand for her effort.

General Chat

Is eating fast food a good way to gain weight So, right now, I'm 5'9", 170lbs and I want to gain 15~20 more lbs....The problem is I workout and workout( 4.8miles + gym session) every day and I barely eat and the result is me getting smaller and smaller(I peaked at 196lbs at the end of May)....I know I need more calories to gain weight but I'm not much of an eater though....Would adding fast food to my life help me out? I eat when I remember to and I do the whole three servings of protein shakes a day thing(I mix it with 2% milk instead of water)

General Chat

I want a 6 pack Before, I never wanted a 6 pack, I just wanted to be strong....Now that I have a little bit of strength, I want a 6 pack ._. The reason for this shoulders, traps, chest and back(even my legs) are all on point but the pack I lack ._. I run almost 5 miles a day and work on my abs faithfully after my primary workouts(which I do everyday except for sunday).....How long should I expect to wait for the pack to come? One thing about me is that I do not eat much so I'm pretty much burning more calories than I consume(I lost 20lbs since June started) Also, I'm always under the blazing sun so I should be burning fat away right? ._.

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