

iFacePlant #General Talk


What really goes on in Nexon Hq July 21 10PM CEO: Alrite boys, gather up. We will be updating Maple to v.164 starting 6AM PT and 9AM ET Employees (in unison): OK **July 22 9:30AM** Employees: Oh shi-- we overslept CEO: No biggie, we will just extend the maintenance and no one will know what happened! **July 22 10:00 AM** Employee 1: this is boring wanna duoq Employee 2: leggo help me git silver **July 22 1:00 PM** Employee 1: Yo Bob pass me the beer Employee 2: We're all out, Jack will go buy some more **July 22 1:30 PM** Employee 1: Yo Bob wanna start patching... Employee 2: Sure... **July 22 1:45 PM Drunk Bob falls over and hits the RESET button** Employee 2: FuU----- Employees: *Facepalms* Employees: Alright for compensation, let's just


Crusader Codex Familiar Question Hi! I just have a question on adding familiars. Lets say i add a green snail familiar and a cygnus familiar, and i put cygnus first. will the cygnus be the first card i see, or will it be arranged by itself and make the snail card go first in order of the levels of the monsters? i have a little ocd thingy so if lets say cards get added in the order of how u add them, i need to get the little ones first like snail and mushrooms [b]TL;DR[/b] Do familiars get placed the order you add them or do they automatically get rearranged ?


What should the name of my new Citizen Be? Windia Hi guys, it's been a while since I played Maple, and I don't have anything now... I'm planning to create a new perma Citizen, and I need help looking for stuff and especially names. I have reserved two names : Cetizen and Citizeen. I don't know if they are great names... I am very picky about my igns in games... so please help! Tell me if they are ok, or if you have any suggestions, please help thanks! P.s. Windian nojobs hi? i'm kinda new to the nojob population in windia.. say hi!

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