

iFacePlant #Merch Talk

General Merch

How Do I Fund Myself? I'm pretty sure this question has been asked a countless number of times, But how do you guys do it? I am going to play maplestory again, and I realized ever since playing Maplestory (Back in the pirate days ;O) I have never made over 500 Mill (Probably around tempest when i quit :O ) I currently have about 90Mill, and am going to play Windia. I read threads that go like I only have 25b to fund my pirate omfomgomgomg is that enough? And i'm just sitting here with my usual 10-20 mill i have... SO. How do I make lots of mesos and stuff? I remember trying to sell NX, but got scammed 25$ by this kid named dust viet or something like that. (VietDust?) Well I might as well try. [i][b]TL;DR:[/b][/i] I have never made a ton of

General Merch

Help Me Get Rich in Windia We all want to get rich everywhere. Whether it's maplestory or real life, we do. In Maplestory, i started Windia cus my friends play there. Im gonna make a level 120 Noblesse... BUT idk how to make mesos quickly. It's hard for me to get mesos. I CAN MAYBEEEEE GET 10k KarmaKoin like once a few months or so, but I'm not planning to buy any. Is there a very ez way to get mesos? I wanna play with my friends, yet they r so rich and OP. I wanna make max mesos in 1-3 months. I think it's impossible, but other guides say it's easy. I can't play that much... So help me out basilers < 3~ Anyway, If there's any Windians who are willing to help me out by giving me free mesos, i has 100k At the Moment, TY :D Leave Name or M