iGooglespace #Thief Talk

General Thief

4 luk top and bot vs 6 luk and bot vs 6 luk top and 3bot title which one would be better overall 4% luk top and bot = 8% luk and around 50m for both 6% luk top and bot = 12% luk and around 700m 6% luk top and 3% bot= 9% luk and around 360m or 6% luk top and 4% luk bot= 10% and around 375m so which one should i get ? in terms of saving money but having the best amount of %. 6% luk top and bot would take up all of money and the last two would take up half and i still need to get a nice claw probably 70 att so how much would that cost a 70-75 att claw

General Thief

which class db, Nl, or shad hey basilers i need your opinion on which class i should play. should i continue my db start playing my hermit again or create a shad. i like my db alot but its starting to get boring. and i also dont want to quit my db until i have a 30k range but atm i only have a 20k range and i dont hit nice damage like most other db's. with the nl i just need to know if anybody has played both a shad and a nl because ive made a shad but i deleted it because i feared it would be to close to my db. and i also need to know if hermits become funner when they become nl's because 1-70 was pretty boring. so which one <3 (and also i have know idea my why but my grammar was horrible in this but im tired :p)