iNathanDrake #Phantom Talk

General Phantom

Need help with some thieves Alright I just got back on maple after a break since November. And I can see alot has changed lol. So I need help with something. I currently have a lvl 200 Phantom and a lvl 150 Dual Blade. I had quit for a while and came back when phantoms came out (love thieves) and took a break again after the auto macro incident. So as of now after nerfings, new skills, revamps, etc I need help in picking one. I see that the lvl cap increased to 250? So what would be stronger in the long run? I enjoy both classes so either one's gonna be fine, but i just got back like i said and i got some catching up to do with some freinds in terms of damage and I would like to not fall too far behind haha :D *on a seperate note I see that