

iRideBooty #Fashion Talk

General Fashion

Would a GM Bann me for my Name? Hey guys! I'm almost done with the Peridots and I'm close to making my UA. We All know UA's are final, and once you make one you can't remake it to make another one unless you get another CK to level 120. I went through hell if you ask me... I couldn't take it again. I've got a name reserved but I'm afraid a GM would change it or ban me for it. It's DiIdoing. Since you can't use the L I used and I. Anyways, what are the odds they make me change my name or ban me? And if anything happens to THEY change my name or am I forced to change it with MY money and NX?

General Fashion

Names for a NW? Hey guys! It's been 2 hours and 32 minutes since I've been staring at the MapleStory create a character screen... It's ridiculous. I had never been this idea blocked before! I got an IRL friend to play with the condition I'd help her out, but she's not going to wait for me forever. I'm looking for a good name, creative, outstanding, something that's odd, but at the same time awesome... Something oddsome... Anyways, help me find something out. Any suggestions will help. :( I rather keep away from numbers in IGNs and 2 worded IGN's. Rather have 1 words, or weird names. Thanks!