

iVege #Bowmaster Talk

General Bowmaster

Bowmasters are ugly as hell I just wanted to rant a bit on how disgustingly awful the Bowmaster branch looks. It's just awful. This job must be one of the ugliest and tacked-on out of all the classes in the game. I really have not seen any other job so far that looks so disgusting. Right now, I'm a Marksman, and while I'm content with 90% of the things that this job has to offer, I find the 2H stance horrible to look at. Even with a non-concealing weapon, I still hate how both arms are lifted up into the air like that. When I was a Dark Knight, we had Purple Surfboards to assume a 1H stance, but Marksmen have no such weapons as far as I know. Some Bowmaster skill effects are another incentive for me to job change, but even with all these re