
What is potential?

hi, i've returned to maplestory after 6 months. I see that nexon has made some changes to weapons/scroll called "potential". I've seen many basilers talk about their items potential and i honestly have no clue as to what that is. if someone could so kind as to fill me in then please do. also how do i activate or scroll using this potential?


December 17, 2010

6 Comments • Newest first


ok i havea much better outline of it, thanks guys

Reply December 17, 2010

^ This, for covering what I didn't have.

Reply December 17, 2010

oh boy, potential can be extra stats to every item, you can only use potential scrolls on items with slots (can be scrolled) and there can be 2 lines of potential (2 different stats) or 3 Lines (3 different stats). These stats include % stats and even damage, The higher level the equip the better potential. Level 71-120 equips have the same potential tier. 121+ has another tier. In the cash shop you can CUBE an item which resets the potential to randomize it to get better stats. You cannot get a 2 lined item to 3 lines by cubing. It is forever the lines it has. items go from Rare->Epic->Unique with the more cubes used. it is a random amount and the higher (rare, epic, unique) it is, the better potential it can have. Hope that helped. lemme know if I missed something.

Reply December 17, 2010

do all items have potential? and how do i increase it?

Reply December 17, 2010

explain with a little more detail please?

Reply December 17, 2010

Its pretty much this thing that adds extra stats / abilities / skills.

Reply December 17, 2010