

Tips for Pink Bean?

I'm just looking for tips on solo'ing pink bean and the statues. I'm asking for things such as...

what order should i kill the statues in?
which is the most dangerous?
How can i tell when damage reflect is going to activate on hugin and pb?
How can i prevent being seduced so often?
Tips on how to survive better?

I'm not asking what range i should have or how much %boss and PDR i need. If anyone could answer these questions for me i would appreciated.


October 14, 2012

5 Comments • Newest first


Or alt+enter like mad when you get seduced.

Reply October 14, 2012

bypass glitch?

Reply October 14, 2012

Use hero's will to prevent seduce or perform the bypass glitch if you get seduced and HR isnt down cool downing

Reply October 14, 2012

Thank you so much, i'm still pretty confused on PB's DR itself. like the 17 second and 40 second thing

Reply October 14, 2012

Check out these Phantoms for order.

Stay behind the orb on the bearded statues to prevent seduce/dr from the birds.
UD (mille) hits both statues from behind orbs.
If you activate DR on the bird from passing the orb, just go back behind the orb. Once DR stops, it won't activate again unless you pass it again.

If you rush PB to the left (aka if he faces right) he won't seduce you.
Keep Final Feint activated whenever you can.
Use Power/Meso Guard to reduce damage taken.

Here is a very helpful Southperry thread on how to take on PB. There are a lot of Phantom specific tips in there as well.

Reply October 14, 2012 - edited