
Maplers have no respect

I agree that some of the newer content in Maple is dull, but in my opinion there is only one reason this game is dying: Players have no respect anymore which in turn is causing many respectful players to quit the game.

I'm having a nice conversation in an obsolete FM room with guildies/friends. Suddenly, a guy walks in and just stands there eavesdropping on our conversation. After about 5 minutes I ask him what he's doing here and he proceeds to call me names. Anyways, here's a snippet of the conversation:

Sometimes, I wonder why I play this game. I have friends and I enjoy talking to them on Maple, but when I meet people like this who seem to care how "famous" they are in an online game and then become an e-thug trying to defend their "rep," that's pretty sad. The playerbase is deteriorating. I'm looking at FFXIV: ARR which is coming out in a month and it looks very tempting. I have been playing this game on and off for 7 years and have thoroughly enjoyed it, but geez, I think my time here is coming to an end.

[b]EDIT:[/b] Being truthfully, 100% honest, my "wtf is volcomized doing here?" was me being curious as to wtf he was doing there. I didn't mean it in an offensive way at all. He was just sitting in on our conversation for 5 minutes, and I wanted to know wtf he was doing there. Like seriously, that FM room is not a common place for people to be, I was 99% certain he had a reason for being there (and he did, it turns out he thought one of us was someone who attacks him constantly on basil).

August 4, 2013

80 Comments • Newest first


To the guy in the picture that clearly doesn't get it:

His friends probably don't hate you for the king thing or because you're "famous" or "rich". Its not the game, it's you.

Reply August 5, 2013

[quote=EtherealKiwi]That's not necessarily true. Just because someone is talking with a group of peope doesnt make it a "clique." It's not like they said "You cant play with us!" they just went to the FM to talk to each other. Many of my friends do that. I've done it, but it doesn't make it a clique. iVolcomized has such a massive ego that it doesn't matter what's happening, he has to be involved.[/quote]

Counter with an even bigger ego.

Reply August 5, 2013

Cry baby.. lmao are you 7 years old?
@Haters <~~ You people disgust me.

Reply August 5, 2013

You do realize that when chatting online, tone is missing from speech right? If someone said "what the **** is ? doing here" in real life it'd sound a lot more offensive than you'd think. I'd say both of your are pretty childish for taking things seriously from an online community HUEHEUHUEHUEHUE.

tl;dr - how mad u r?

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

he eavesdrops because he has no friends. on a side note, you nor your friends own a single map on maplestory so don't act like he's not allowed to be there

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

They like to feel higher than others. If the game was filled with helpful people, this game could be a lot better, with the exception of nexon.

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited


Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

if you're fishing for sympathy...
a) this is basilmarket >_>
b) you weren't exactly a saint

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

Yes, [b]really[/b]. Wtf are you doing there. That is pretty offensive contrary to simply '' what are you doing there. '' You added 2 unnecessary words, to which one was even a cuss. Like, seriously, did you have to say '' wtf? '' Throwing cusses everywhere is not respectful...

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

Lol, this thread. Quite amusing.

You tried to bash another player, but jumped off the cliff yourself.

Indeed, it might be time for you to quit.

You both seem like disrespectful people though. Glad I don't have to deal with either of you.

I came into this thread to agree with the title, but then I read your post and your comments.
Now it feels like you were talking about iVoc and yourself at the same time.

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

Thank you for showing us a perfect example of how Maplers can be disrespectful, not through what you posted in your thread but rather your comments. Next time you try to put someone down make sure you don't take yourself down with them because that is pretty pathetic.

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

How horrifying

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

To be fair, "wtf" is not the friendliest greeting, and usually sounds hostile. You then began to mock him and be hostile towards him.

Although the general consensus seems to be that iVolcomized is a complete (insert insult of your choice here, all the good ones are blocked), hostility breeds hostility. If you simply gave him your BasilID instead of a snarky comment, maybe it wouldn't have turned so sour and distasteful.

@SilverFoxR I think the general amount of disrespect that goes on between players has gone down simply because players just don't interact with one another as much these days. Hell, I almost never use "all" chat, and the rare times that I do, I'm usually talking to someone who's either in my alliance or buddy list.

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

To honest, saying "wtf" is usually not a good way to greet someone.

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

I love how everyone is freaking out when he's probably just some fat kid with a computer and mesos.

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

I gave up when I read the "wtf are you doing here"
Neither of you should've acted like that.

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

First of all, Maple dying? Hardly...

Still, I have to bring this line to attention:
[quote=iBattleMages]Players have no respect anymore which in turn is causing many respectful players to quit the game.[/quote]

Here, allow me to fix it for you:
[b]Players have never respected anyone which in turn is causing many respectful players to ignore the general community.[/b]

Seriously, if you think there's been a decline of respect, you must be wearing rose-coloured nostalgia glasses. Very few players have treated anyone with respect, whether it's now or 8 years ago. I've seen it all, man... and honestly, the worst I've seen was in the past. Nowadays, I'll see the occasional "CC" spamming n00bling, but other than that, I don't see too much. I could list the crap that's seemingly disappeared from the game, but I'd be here for an hour.

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

Deteriorating? No respect? Come on man, it's been like this for a very long time. I remember back then, I used to get into, or watch other people get into altercations like that on a daily basis (sometimes on multiple occasions in a single day too).

Stuff would get fired up from small things and people throw in random stuff just to make the other person mad. (As an example, I remember disliking the stage in Eos Tower PQ where there was a room where you can only enter using Teleport, one with Dark Sight, and 4 that anyone could just walk into. It was really easy to find discord in that stage if there were more than one Magician class or Thief class in the party. Some arguments can go from "I went in first" to "What did you say about my mom?" or some other random things, with the most common or well known rebuttal being "You're a noob&quot

I also disagree with what you say about the disrespectful people making the respectful people leave. You wouldn't stop playing a game you enjoy just because some random stranger disrespects you. No reasonable person would. You'd just keep in mind that they could have been some kid who didn't know any better. Either way, it doesn't make your experience worse here since it's like this everywhere else on the internet (well, other places apply as well lol)

My point is, this isn't something you should express your opinion about, because most people already have the same opinion that you have . I don't like diving into the past, but this is a subject that has been around for a long time, might even be long enough for it to be a part of Global Maplestory's history. It's like a law that's written in stone stating that "You must assume all random Maplers you meet are disrespectful brats until proven otherwise", since it's been that way from the start. If anything, I think that the community here actually got [b]better[/b] than what it used to be. :U

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

well, you did get cocky with him.... you were the rude one first. "wtf is vocomized doing here?". you made it sound like you were above him and he didnt belong. was there a problem with him being there? this is a public game after all. maybe if you kept to yourself and your friends, left his name out of your mouth, everything would have been fine.

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

Assuming everyone is the same. If we go by that logic, you are Mapler yourself, means you have no respect. Would you be fine with that? The moment you generalize everything, others can tell what kind of manners you have.

You feel uneasy when someone read your convos? How important can your convos be.. I don't think most of us mind any kind of eavesdropping, unless it is material.

FM, free market, is not your own private room. All those guild room or any such are just SELF-Claimed owned room, and is not a property or w/e that belong to any of you. Don't make it sounds like its your private room.

Lots of people commented about you, and some of it are rather accurate (Especially lmm616, Liddy, etc), yet you probably would just ignore it, and just think "Basils people are nuts" and just prefer to see whoever who thinks the same as you do. Do some self-reflecting

and all about this respect, is a joke.
You don't have to respect anyone, nor you are not forced to do so. If anything, manners fits the situations more than respect. Know the difference between both manners vs respects.
I wouldn't have to respect any of others here, but I know my manners well.

Realize that whatever you wrote up there, can be used against yourself.

If anything, ask politely rather than throwing up "WTF are you doing here," unless you enjoy being a hypocrite. I don't

Oh and, I'll tell you in advance, FFXIVARR community isn't any better, nor the forum, nor the game.

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

use guild chat
boom problem solved. NEXT!

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

Wow how dare you say "wtf" dude you're so messed up man

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

A lot of maplers aren't respectful and are ignorant. However, trying to disguise your witch trial as a thread in which you discuss the short-comings of a game isn't acceptable. If you really cared about the shortcomings of maple, you would have delved a little deeper instead of posting a low substance example where it is pretty hard to tell who the antagonist is. If you have problems with the guy, deal with them without trying to fake an intelligent debate and call on a mob of eager minds to mob.

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

Get wrecked son.

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

Look at society. Now realize that gaming is an extension of society. I fail to understand why you're surprised. o.o

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

Well, this thread has done a complete 180 and nearly everyone has turned on the author.

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

[quote=HappyTraderr]Judging from the conversation and the proof you provided, you were the Mapler that had no respect.[/quote]

I thought the same, @iBattleMages acts like he owns the specific FM room and others can't go in - If you look at the top of the chat he says "WTF IS IVOLCOMIZED DOING HERE" clearly it shows who really had no respect and it certainly isn't iVol...

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

The way you said "wtf are you doing here" kinda made me lose respect for you. That seemed very immature. I think you should start looking at yourself, maybe you're one of the "Maplers that have no respect."

You know, all of this could've been avoided if you just ignored him like a real mature person. It's like a homeless dude that stands next to you and your group of friends in real life. You won't ask him "Wtf are you doing here" you'll obviously ignore his presence. You didn't have to give him attention. You shouldn't have given him attention. Oh, and you should lock the thread cause you're kinda gettin flamed, yo.

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

use whisper dude

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

Just don't take those people seriously. They are there calling others names so they can feel better about themselves. I usually just ignore them and walk away.

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

From where you come it is normal to you but it is different for each person, religion, country etc. Some people will be offended easily while others do not. We don't use WTF here in my country when we talk to a random stranger maybe you do. Try that in another country.

Anyway I logged on my mules in a random FM and I stood there for a whole 30 minutes or so while doing something else on the computer. There were people talking and I saw their conversation too, no problem and it didn't bother them either.

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

@DubstepAM: We're not THAT close friends, and as I said, it's not THAT big of a deal if people overhear, it's just when someone stands there for 5 minutes without talking it makes me feel uneasy. Are you trying to say you're okay talking with friends and someone who's loaded in nx from a big guild just sits there for 5 minutes, and just listens to your convo? And I know he wasn't afk because he moved.

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

why dont you use whisper?

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

[quote=SteezyCereal]This entire thread is pretty effing funny i have to say lol[/quote]

Did you also enjoyed your popcorn too?

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

This entire thread is pretty effing funny i have to say lol

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

@Skyenets: Here's the difference in your scenario: the stranger is the same age and gender as the female (the person was same age and gender as me), and the female is in an isolated part of a park talking with friends (we were on a random channel in a random FM room). The person who joined has not made any move and is just listening to the people gossiping and talking about things they would prefer if no one else heard (we were talking about money mostly, would rather if people didn't overhear but it's not THAT big of a deal if they do). This person is also loaded with "bling" (he was loaded with nx) and it clearly looks as if this person is not looking for new friends (this person was in a large guild higher end guild, those people are usually happy with their group of friends). That would be a much more accurate depiction of what happened.

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

in my complete honest opinion, iVolcomized is a poser, and you are all nerds. And im King of khaini.

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

[quote=iBattleMages]@Skyenets: From where I come from, that is a respectful way to speak to people in social, non-business situations. And based on his response, I don't think he's the type of person who would take any offense to that at all.[/quote]

Let me just sketch one little situation.

A young female in standing alone at a station. She's fairly attractive and it's late at night. There's no security there except for some cameras. A man who is considerably larger and older than the female comes up to her. He is just minding his own business, but we can agree that due to his appearance, he might truly come across as someone who is up to no good.

Do you think the female would do a good job saying "Wtf you doing here" to a total stranger who was just minding his own business? Do you think it would not agitate him at least a little? Do you really believe that saying "Sorry, can I help you with something?" would not have made a better response to the man?

There's lots of different people in the world. What you find an a-ok thing to say to others, might not be a-ok with them. I would personally not feel like you were being friendly towards me if you were to say that. Nor would anyone in any culture I've been in. No matter how ok they are with swearing.

Either way, that being said I'm just going to remove myself from this thread. No need for me to keep repeating the same thing over and over again.

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

@Skyenets: From where I come from, that is a respectful way to speak to people in social, non-business situations. And based on his response, I don't think he's the type of person who would consider that disrespectful at all.

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

[quote=iBattleMages]@Skyenets: HOWWWW IS WTF OFFENSIVE. I honestly said wtf as an expression of confusion because I was confused as to why he was eavesdropping on my conversation. Let's say some people are talking and you're just standing beside, and they said "wtf are you doing?" are you honestly, seriously, going to take offense? Ever thought that just maybe I was genuinely curious as to wtf he was doing in an random Fm room on an obscure channel and sitting there for 5 minutes?[/quote]

I didn't say it was offensive. I said it wasn't respectful. It involves colorful vocabulary that isn't usually associated in civilized conversations, so it might come across negatively to most people. You have to put yourself in another person's shoes, rather than just seeing this from your own point of view. What you might find offensive, may not be offensive to another. The same thing goes the other way around.

You have to remember that in text, emotions are not as well conveyed as in spoken word. Something you are trying to convey in text with phrases as "wtf" might come across a whole lot different than you initially thought in your head. You might have thought it jokingly or in friendly manner, but to the other person it might felt like an attack.

But let me put it like this. Don't you think that saying "Sorry, but may I ask what you're doing here?" comes across a whole lot more friendly than "Wtf you doing here?" I'd say it does.

I'm not saying the other person was doing the right thing by responding like that. But you cannot deny that your initial response towards him/her was to some people, disrespectful. If you truly want to keep to it that you were not at all at fault even if it wasn't intended, then I wont force my point of view down upon you.

[quote=Mercbabe]Yes, you are being a total butt. I seriously don't think TS was being offensive in any way.[/quote]

Once again, I did not say he was being offensive. I am saying that using such phrases to address someone's presence might not come across as respectful. If you want to tie respect and offense together, then that's up to you.

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

@Skyenets: HOWWWW IS WTF OFFENSIVE. I honestly said wtf as an expression of confusion because I was confused as to why he was eavesdropping on my conversation. Let's say some people are talking and you're just standing beside, and they said "wtf are you doing?" are you honestly, seriously, going to take offense? Ever thought that just maybe I was genuinely curious as to wtf he was doing in an random Fm room on an obscure channel and sitting there for 5 minutes?

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

If you want respect, you should give respect. The way you pointed out the presence of the other Mapler was definitely not a friendly way of doing it. I can imagine him/her feeling slightly attacked, disregarding the foul overreaction that person had for a moment.

Maybe I'm being a total butt by saying this but, start with yourself and then start judging others. Most of the time we're the problem to the situation ourselves.

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

@samstergx: I was in Ludi begging for mesos once so I could buy level 38 mage equips. Someone gave me 200k.

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

@ibattlemages I started a little after Beta, but believe me, the community just has aged, just as if you were a random, and someone asked your sisters friends for mesos or help they would say no, people expect to be friends without communicating lmao

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

@samstergx: I started in Beta. I had no encounters with scammers until about v .25. Even then, they were minimal. As for the kids and stuff, half my buddy list back then was 18+ (sister's friends) who were willing to help noobies like me.

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

I got chewed out by a group of people for "eaves dropping" when all I was doing was sitting in my chair, waiting for my friend. I personally didn't care about what they had to say but because I [i]dared[/i] walk into their FM room and sit down, I was in the wrong. They even went so far as the threaten KSing my guild and such (which, by the wya, is my sister's guild who has like only my mules in it, great KS job there). I miss all the nice people who used to play this game. Where people would actually be friends with anyone and actually respond instead of F3ing you and calling you noob and stuff.

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

@ibattlemages LOL NO scammers hahaahhaah
clearly you haven't played maple that long then. There was a huge scam where people said they could dupe your items by putting them in trade then pressing double tab enter. It would automatically trade and you lose your items. Maple's community was different because we were all kids, and we viewed each other as equals, but now since we've grown, we become grumpy teenagers/adults.

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited

@TerYanPui: I'm supposed to sit back as they flame me for saying wtf? I'm sorry, I didn't know wtf was so offensive, like [b]really?[/b]
@freejuspower: People were nice in the past. I don't remember a single scammer when I first started. And it wasn't that there were some nice individuals, it was that MOST were nice back then.

Reply August 4, 2013 - edited
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