

icalvin123 #Art Talk

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escaping into the shadows chapter one this is my first time writing a story, i do not expect positive feedback, but to anyone reading could you please give me some insight on how my writing is. is it bad, is it good, is it slow? just anything that you think this story could be improved on. and anyone who is reading, thank you for taking your time. Umbra hotarare sat in the mud while rain poured down on his head. He was guard for the night, and he couldn’t stay inside to where the rest of his guild was asleep. Umbra was a street child, raised by the guild’s older members who had taken him in and giving him something that was somewhat like a family. He was abandoned by his parents when he was just a toddler, and was left with nothing but

General Art

escaping into the shadows chapter two sorry this has taken so long, i have been busy lately with the holiday preparations. well anyway, here is chapter two and please give me feedback on what i can improve on on the comments page. and thank you everyone for taking time to read this. sorry if it's a wall of text, i couldn't fit it in a single page if i had spaced it more. [url=http://www.basilmarket.com/forum/1767591/0/escaping_into_the_shadows_chapter_one.html#]chapter one[/url] Guilt. The nagging feeling of guilt was never ending as the days went by for Umbra. It had been a month now since he had killed Lionel. He felt as if the kill was injustice and that he had not any good reason to take the life of the one he hated. Umbra kept replayin