

Stories around the campfire.

Tell a story.

April 5, 2011

5 Comments • Newest first


-all dark-
-has flashlight in face-

Come closer...

You like my scream story?

Reply April 5, 2011

[quote=Fibbingbear]A couple had a tradition of ordering Chinese food every Friday night from their local favorite Chinese restaurant. One particular Friday night, they ordered their usual, which came with a large order of fried rice. They stayed up late watching a romantic comedy and eating the food together. They both helped themselves to large servings of the fried rice.

Eventually, they went to bed for the night. By the middle of the night, they were each taking turns in the bathroom with excruciating stomach pain. Before long, they were both experiencing severe bleeding. The husband became so concerned the he called 911 for help. Two ambulances arrived, and as they loaded the husband and wife into the vehicles, they also collected samples of the Chinese food the couple had eaten the night before.

Both the husband and wife never made it to the hospital. They both died of internal bleeding enroute to the hospital. An analysis of the Chinese food turned up fragments of glass throughout the fried rice. A subsequent inspection of the Chinese restaurant revealed that a disgruntled employee had broken a drinking glass, chose a random batch of fried rice, and poured the tiny glass fragments into the rice. The employee was arrested for the two deaths. No one knows if he was ever convicted, or if he's still in jail.[/quote]

The good news is that Mythbusters did an episode where they proved that glass fragments won't hurt a human

Reply April 5, 2011

A couple had a tradition of ordering Chinese food every Friday night from their local favorite Chinese restaurant. One particular Friday night, they ordered their usual, which came with a large order of fried rice. They stayed up late watching a romantic comedy and eating the food together. They both helped themselves to large servings of the fried rice.

Eventually, they went to bed for the night. By the middle of the night, they were each taking turns in the bathroom with excruciating stomach pain. Before long, they were both experiencing severe bleeding. The husband became so concerned the he called 911 for help. Two ambulances arrived, and as they loaded the husband and wife into the vehicles, they also collected samples of the Chinese food the couple had eaten the night before.

Both the husband and wife never made it to the hospital. They both died of internal bleeding enroute to the hospital. An analysis of the Chinese food turned up fragments of glass throughout the fried rice. A subsequent inspection of the Chinese restaurant revealed that a disgruntled employee had broken a drinking glass, chose a random batch of fried rice, and poured the tiny glass fragments into the rice. The employee was arrested for the two deaths. No one knows if he was ever convicted, or if he's still in jail.

Reply April 5, 2011

Reply April 5, 2011