

icargo #Chat Talk

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neighbourhood gangs so heres the deal. This all strated 3 days ago. My twin and I were walking home from playing basketball when 12 guys approach us, and they insult us for no apparent reason and they began to harass us. I probably shouldn't of said anything, but I called them out for being pus-c's who couldn't fight me one on one.they approached us with a skateboard and threatened to beat us up (there 16 and my twin and I are both 14). they eventually just left and we came home. Now fast forward to last night. My twin and I go to the same court to play bball and what do you know? the gang comes back, but this time theres only 5 of them. they continue to harass us and this time they threaten to beat us up with the seat of a bikee, with a me

General Chat

For all you Magic PLayers out there Can i have your opinion on my deck? I run a UW Control and id like to know how to tweak it abit. Thanks in advance! LANDS 4x Hallowed Fountain 4x Temple of Enlightenment 2x Mutavault 8x Island 8x Plains SPELLS/CREATURES 1x Elspeth 1x AEtherling 2x Jace, Architect of Thought 1x Jace, Memory Adept 3x Sphinx's Revelations 4x Divination 4x Dissolve 4x Azorius Charm 4x Supreme Verdict 4x Detention Sphere 2x Quicken 2x Syncopate 1x Ratchet Bomb 1x Elixir of Immortality

General Chat

Stupid Questions Day 2 Ohkay, Here are my questions of the day, #1. Are you able to see your bellybutton? ( mirror doesnt count ) #2. Do your parents know your: Gay, Les, Trans, Bi? #3. Do you think i look like my avatar in Real Life? #4. What do you like to do when your drunk? #5. Do you smell wierd? #6. Do you play maplestory or do you just go on basil for stupid threads like these? #7. a) Do you have a life? #7. b) If so, State your: Job, How many friends you have, People that dont think your retarded, etc. #8. If Justin Bieber was your brother/sister what would you do? a) Sleep with him b) Shoot yourself c) Shoot him d) Shave the hair off his head. #9. How were babies born? #.10 on a scale from 1 to 1, how shmexy is my avatar?

General Chat

High School Debate hey guys, this thread is about my high school debate. For those of you who haven't read my thread, my class is having a debate against another class, and it is counting for a part of our grade. the topic is: 'As global citizens, should we have the responsibility to protect human rights around the world'. By human rights, she means if another country is affected by either poverty, drought,famine,flood, etc. My teacher put me 'against' this topic. It would be greatly appreciated if you would help me out by giving me your thoughts with historical references to past events to back it up. thanks again!(:

General Chat

Stupid Questions Day 1 i will be doing a series of questions everyday of which i would like a respond to. Whoever answers them all wins +5 self of steam. #1: Why Do Black People Love KFC? #2 How much are Overall 60% luk scrolls in Bera ( for my own benefit ) #3 Why are turtles named turtles? #4 What kind of cookies do you like? #5 Wanna be my friend? #6 Do you think this thread is pointless? #7 What is your most embarrasing momnet? #8 Are you ugly? #9 If you had to choose what gender you want to be, what would it be? Give Explanation #10 - insert joke about my mother here-

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