

icemage11 #Shade Talk

General Shade

My first blogmarket thread I rarely make threads but I wanted to talk to people about this. So today I went to AYCE sushi/bbq with some friends for dinner. I do tend to stuff myself at AYCEs (who doesn't right?) but never in my life have I eaten so much that I felt so sick after. Last time I felt really sick was 2 years ago when I went to the same style AYCE sushi/bbq for an ex's birthday. But today was way worse than that. I wasn't even forcing myself to eat, it was just like I was mindlessly eating and I realized too late that I overate and felt sick. Long story short, my friends ended up taking a walk with me, giving me water, plastic bags, words of encouragements etc for over an hour after dinner. I ended up throwing up 3 times (once in