


Anyone cant complete Gollux, or just me? I recently updated the game, and went to fight gollux but I couldn't complete it. First, the potatoes didn't add to the death counter, they just ran through the head. And secondly, after defeating gollux, I would be stuck in the npc screen, but no npc would appear. I would literally have to restart maple to unstuck my char, and lose out on all the rewards :( This happens to all my characters. Does this happen to any of you? Is there any fix?

General Mage

Blaze Wizard Hyper Skills Hey guys, for hyper skills I'm thinking of ditching Orbital Flame - Guardbreak (20% pdr), and replacing it with Blazing Extinction - Reinforce (20% dmg) Reason is, I already have 83% pdr (from equips + leafre set + fires of creation) which is a good stopping point? And I find blazing extinction extremely useful in all situations.. What do you guys think? Which hyper skills did you level? edit: Question 2, so I heard dojo bosses have no defenses, so it's ok to skip the Fires of Creation buff? Thanks :)


V.149 Update Notes Legacy of 9 [url=http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/updates/update-notes/00HnE/v-149-legacy-of-nine-update-notes?nxid=6]Update Notes.[/url] Yay :) I've cut out the best part (imo) for you: [b]Cube Drop Rates[/b] The drop rates for Master Craftsman's Cubes and Meister's Cubes from bosses has been adjusted, with most bosses receiving a small increase in the chances to drop these items. Additional bosses now have a chance to drop Master Craftsman's Cube and Meister's Cube. [b]Cube Rank Up Rate Adjusted[/b] The rates to rank up while cubing have been raised across the board. The following cubes will be affected: Master Craftsman's Cube Meister's Cube Red Cube Black Cube Bonus Potential Cube [b]Golden Hammer Boss Drops[/b] A var

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