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Wonky graphics It's not really a big deal but my graphics are all screwed up. Text boxes are transparent, my character is tiny in the big chat boxes (instead of big and pixelated), the Sutra Depository from the Shaolin Temple is missing, and my Aran doesn't get that cool flaming border during Adrenaline Rush. Worst of all, the bottom of my screen doesn't have an interface. It's just a silver bar. Anyone else having this problem? I'd show screenshots but the game isn't letting me do that either -.-


Why are DB's slow? So I was playing and switching between characters and I noticed that my Demon Avenger walks pretty fast. I moved back to my Dual Blade and it seemed that he walks slower. I did a little test to confirm this (by walking from point A to B while timed) and yes, my DB was 3 seconds slower. It only caught up in speed when I used Self-Haste. This means that Self-Haste is just a skill that lets your DB walk as fast as other characters (presumably, I haven't checked other classes). That's a pretty stupid move, to be honest. DB's need a buff in walking speed. Petty, I know, but it bothers me nonetheless. EDIT: So I decided to do the test with my Xenon and Aran as well. The Xenon walked just as fast as my DA while my Aran walked as