

Is eating fast food a good way to gain weight

So, right now, I'm 5'9", 170lbs and I want to gain 15~20 more lbs....The problem is I workout and workout( 4.8miles + gym session) every day and I barely eat and the result is me getting smaller and smaller(I peaked at 196lbs at the end of May)....I know I need more calories to gain weight but I'm not much of an eater though....Would adding fast food to my life help me out?
I eat when I remember to and I do the whole three servings of protein shakes a day thing(I mix it with 2% milk instead of water)

August 6, 2011

4 Comments • Newest first


Good way to kill yourself. Yes.

Reply August 6, 2011

Yeah I'm 5'11 and I weigh like 150. I need to gain weight and fast. =/

Reply August 6, 2011

You need to be eating more CARBS. Why? Foods with high carbohydrates have the highest calories per gram of serving. This means lots of rice, pasta, bread, grain stuff basically. Say you're on a typically 2200 calorie diet for average American. To gain 1 lb a week, you needa eat 500 more calories than you already eat EACH day. So that's 2700 calories a day to gain 1 lb in 1 week.

Reply August 6, 2011 - edited

hmm to gain weight... eat alot of dark meat in chicken and any foods that are pretty high in fat and calories

Reply August 6, 2011 - edited