
Hey everyone. After numerous attempts it has been about 10 months since Cygnus has been released and it has been 10 months worth of testing and gathering information about how this boss works... a KMS representative said "This boss is able to be killed, you just have to find out how". After the speculation arose due to the weapons specifically the Cannon popped up in GMS, we knew it was then and there that Cygnus is 100% killable.

Unfortunately Tony was unable to attend the run due to having to go to work and also at the fact that we are bad with times :X Of course this run is dedicated to Tony

June 21, 2012

27 Comments • Newest first


[quote=V1ralOA]May I refer you to the end of the video, sir. Whoever said that last bit was a wise man.[/quote]


Reply June 28, 2012

[quote=Reality]wao u guyz r hackers god steve[/quote]

;( sigh...

Reply June 28, 2012

[quote=Pendant]If you knew what duping was, you'd have realized you were wrong 20 pages ago.
Hacks are not used in duping, end of discussion. No, rather hacks do not HAVE to be used.

Server/channel crashes, you buy items on mule.
Unless you are using a crashless dupe, which no longer exists, so argument invalid. Only a small portion, less than .01, of MS's population has even gotten there hands on one of these. A few went public and got patched within a week and the others stayed massively private.

Also, nexon made gm scrolls untradeable because they were never even supposed to be out in golden temple.
Don't use argumenets in which you can not find the origin of.
Duping was part of the reason, but not the main one.

You clearly do not know the difference between hacking and 'duplicating'.
Plenty of people have done it, accidentally or purposely, without even alt tabing from there mapelstory screen.

Legitimate run was legitimate. Do not try and refute this and make yourself look any worse than you already do.

Using your logic, no one is legitimate in MS as 50-75% of the mesos in our current economy are by products of meso farmers.
No, just no.

Oh, an edit:
Would you care to explain what hacks were used when duping during nexons intermittent connectivity issue when being DDOS'd 2-3 months ago?
Oh, the open your store and have a friend buy an item cause the server is crashing itself every 2-3 minutes kind?

Right. Also, my 265 baselard was made with cash shop protection scrolls, so no, do not assume just because you can not afford to dish out a certain amount that everyone can not. Some of our weapons are legitimate.[/quote]

* Duping is STILL aided with hacks a large majority of the time, stop trying to avoid that fact.

* Did you forget the fact that they only STOPPED the drop rate of GM scrolls in GT? They were still tradeable (for a year) because they assumed people wouldn't abuse them into duplication of the items (wrong). Why do you think they just made them untradeable 1-2 months ago? Oh that's right, people duped them in massive numbers with such a low price on them (E.g. GFA 100% for 30m each in large bundles).

* Where the hell did I mention anything about "50-75% of the mesos in our current economy are by products of meso farmers?" [b]Don't put words into my mouth that I didn't even say in the first place.[/b]

* According to the section of "2.2 Code of Conduct" on Nexon's ToS, "Exploit errors in design, features which are not documented and/or bugs to gain access that would otherwise not be available or to obtain any competitive advantage;" as well as many other rules listed under there, you are abusing the ToS to cheat for your own profit. Duping with/without hacks, accidental or on purpose, you are still cheating to your advantage. Therefore, it's illegit.

* DDOS attacks has happened to the servers for multiple times in the past; not just "2-3 months" ago.

* Sir, you mean [b]shielding wards[/b] that you buy with NX. I'm clearly talking about protection scrolls that are non-CS that were tradeable in the FM which are the scrolls that a large majority of people used for their scrolling since they don't want to be spending 99k NX for a measly 11 shielding wards. Protection scrolls were cheap because they were duped, 1 scroll costed far less than 1 shielding ward (11.9k NX), and with that people were able to profit off of them by scrolling the empress weapons for far less.

It's okay to admit you're not legit, hell I'm not 100% legit myself since I glitched my Decent skills as well as using a 12 star'd enhanced xbow given to me by a friend since he himself used to use protection scrolls to scroll his empress weapons until the scrolls were deleted.

Reply June 28, 2012 - edited

[quote=Pendant]Using duped gear is not considered hacking.
It is called buying gear.

You can not prove anything is duped unless you attempt to fuse it with another of the same, or assumed same, item and get an error.

Also, it still isn't hacking.

The run itself was a legitimate run, congratulations.
It's always the best feeling watching that little bar that's healed the whole fight just drop down into the nothingness. I never stopped getting excited about it.[/quote]

See Its2Sharp4U's post:
"The actual terms of being legit is not having duped gears/used duped scrolls and whatever."

Hacks are USED in the process of duping; you purposely crash a channel with hacks to duplicate an item. Just because you buy duped gear, that does not exclude the fact that it's still illegit. I never said they were hacking, I clearly know the difference between the terms of duping and hacking.

Why do you think there are still so many WSes running around in the FM despite the fact Nexon deleted the bundles of scrolls? Oh that's right, they're duped.

Why do you [i]think[/i] Nexon has made GM scrolls untradeable and deleted the protection scrolls that were all so high in numbers? Oh that's right, they're duped.

Why do you think there are so many 260+ attk 12 star empress weapons running around? Oh that's right, they USED duped scrolls.

Reply June 27, 2012 - edited

[quote=Devisable]Great job! But my question is, what do you mean by Legit? I mean, don't everyone kill it legit? How do you kill it non-legit?[/quote]
What people mean by legit these days, they usually mean by not hacking. The actual terms of being legit is not having duped gears/used duped scrolls and whatever. However this video shows the first Expedition that had defeated Cygnus without hacks, making it the first non-hacked run of Empress being killed [b]on tape[/b]. However I doubt there's other non-hacking Empress Expeditions, since I'm not interested to bother to know.

Reply June 26, 2012 - edited

Hahah. collegehumor ending c:
Nice video and intros
Too bad gear isn't legit :c, I would say I disapprove, but its 100% impossible to beat empress w/o duped items or without spending thousands on NX :[

Reply June 26, 2012 - edited

So you basically need a party of godly attackers to defeat Empress Cygnus, not to mention a few crashers/binders here and there.
Since Empress heals at low health like 50 times, you need to kill over 20bil worth of

Reply June 26, 2012 - edited

i was going to watch the video but then i heard the music </3 </3 </3

Reply June 26, 2012 - edited

[quote=kuora]Pls nobody gives a ^_^ about legit gears.

''hur dur i'm using legit gear my mummy would be so proud"


Yes my mummy is proud I didn't turn out like you.

I agree with what he was saying, IMO this should not be titled legitimate.. Everyone knows calmy is geared with almost every duped item available.. Even though it doesn't bother me, people can use duped items.. I don't care anymore. This shouldn't be called legit. Anyway, I don't wish to pursue this. I already stated my opinion when the video was released. I wasn't going to post till I saw yours.. lol

Reply June 26, 2012 - edited

[quote=blazi4ever]He never said anything about being against hacked/duped gear, he's simply saying it should be switched to "non hacked" instead so people don't go around saying they're legit while they're actually not.[/quote]

don't waste your time , I bet he understood that but he still wanted to let everyone know he also has hacked/duped items.

Reply June 26, 2012 - edited

[quote=LalaWorld]Please explain why is there two rank 1 dojo glove in this video?[/quote]

cos 1 got the glove before the other

Reply June 25, 2012 - edited

[quote=kuora]Pls nobody gives a ^_^ about legit gears.

''hur dur i'm using legit gear my mummy would be so proud"


Um sir where in my post did I say I wear legit gear or against duped/hacked gear? Please re-read before you flame. All I said was that it be better to post that it was a non-hacked run and not legit since no one is legit. Please stop interpreting my posts thank you. If you must know I have used duped gear and scrolls. I really dont give a damn who uses duped stuff. I just think it's annoying when ppl claim something is legit when it isn't. Anyways though it wasn't like I bashed steve or anything. Just pointing out a simple fact and even congratulated him. He didn't get all mad either so I have no clue why you are so butthurt about it.

Reply June 24, 2012 - edited

[quote=kuora]Pls nobody gives a ^_^ about legit gears.

''hur dur i'm using legit gear my mummy would be so proud"


He never said anything about being against hacked/duped gear, he's simply saying it should be switched to "non hacked" instead so people don't go around saying they're legit while they're actually not.

Reply June 24, 2012 - edited

[quote=triiggerhappy]I would rather you titled it first non hacked Empress run. Since it isn't technically legit since your guys gears arn't. No one is 100% legit anymore. Just say non hacked be less flames that way. Great job anyway though![/quote]

Oh, your right when you say no one is 100% legit anymore and its true. Game got messed up when these types of gears came out. The title isn't regarding the gears though, its regarding the run itself. Either way thanks aha

Reply June 24, 2012 - edited

I would rather you titled it first non hacked Empress run. Since it isn't technically legit since your guys gears arn't. No one is 100% legit anymore. Just say non hacked be less flames that way. Great job anyway though!

Reply June 24, 2012 - edited

[quote=pieshadowxx]Awwww I came to this video because I thought tony would be in it but Congratulations anyways you guys did great [/quote]

Tony JUST came back from work as we killed it -.-

Reply June 24, 2012 - edited

Awwww I came to this video because I thought tony would be in it but Congratulations anyways you guys did great

Reply June 24, 2012 - edited

Dat Groovy Muzak

Reply June 24, 2012 - edited

Great job, though I had to watch the video muted from start to finish. Music taste is subjective so I won't ride your ass about it.

Reply June 24, 2012 - edited

Oh wow congratulations <3

Reply June 23, 2012 - edited


Reply June 23, 2012 - edited

[quote=crazypoorer]Cygnus drops Empress Cannon
Empress Cannon is seen in FM
Cygnus can be killed

Is it that hard to link ideas together?[/quote]
Yeah, but it wasn't legit kill

Reply June 23, 2012 - edited

[quote=PlainVintage][b]After the speculation arose due to the weapons specifically the Cannon popped up in GMS, we knew it was then and there that Cygnus is 100% killable.[/b]
Explain, please.[/quote]

Cygnus drops Empress Cannon
Empress Cannon is seen in FM
Cygnus can be killed

Is it that hard to link ideas together?

Reply June 23, 2012 - edited

What did it drop D:

Reply June 23, 2012 - edited

[b]After the speculation arose due to the weapons specifically the Cannon popped up in GMS, we knew it was then and there that Cygnus is 100% killable.[/b]
Explain, please.

Reply June 23, 2012 - edited

I really liked the way how you introduced everyone's names and the music choice

Reply June 23, 2012 - edited

Awesome video I'm very impressed! not only for defeating this monstrous boss but for the coordination and cooperation everybody showed on the run; it reminds me of the first times zakum was defeated. We definitely need more of that in Scania.

Good job!

Reply June 23, 2012 - edited