

why do people not like ap ez

like i'm not talking blue build, i'm talking full-on legit AP build

January 12, 2014

6 Comments • Newest first


I tried it before and while it is fun because its different i actually got irritated after a while because he's really weak early game imo, and he relies too much of minions not being in front of him to harass. If you think about it, if you are able to harass a lot with your q in the laning phase you might as well have gone nidalee and have a bigger harass with her q. but at the same time Ez can be strong in the very late game and u can kite for days if you buy cdr items.

if anything i think ap tristana has way better kill potential in the laning phase and mid game (kinda falls off late game). Just jump in, ult, then jump back out. It's kinda like kha'zix.

If you havent played her already, I'd recommend trying out syndra. She has great cc as it is possible to stun everyone on the other team, good kiting potential as her skills dont stop her from moving, able to 1 shot squishy's in a matter of a second, and doesnt fall off late game. The only con that i could think about is that she has no escape/gap closer

Reply January 12, 2014

Super burst? Nah leblanc and friends have him beat
Mobility? Kass
CC... lul

While it may not be terrible, but in most situations there is always a better choice

Reply January 12, 2014

[quote=CrsVoyboi]He would become at least semi viable and played a lot more if he had WAVE CLEAR.

that's the biggest problem. he got damage. it is his wave clear. It's a pain in the ass in lane to try to farm with only your Q. and in mid game you see a group of minions and it takes so much time to clear them out unless you use your ult.

riot says that they can't add wave clear to ezreal because that would break ad ezreals.

[b]I suggest that they add allow W to hit minions BUT ONLY IF THEY HAVE 50 AP OR HIGHER. so iceborne or tri force ezreal adc's won't be able to wave clear with W.[/b]

maybe make it only do half damage if it's a bit too good.

@momozzz: he does not fall off with lich bane and insane AOE ap ult.[/quote]

wat. Actually nvm, your whole post makes it clear you have no idea what you're talking about

OT: He falls off too hard. Doesn't have the high output consistent damage of a mage nor a decent enough burst. He doesn't have cc either. Basically, anything he can do, someone else can do even better.

Reply January 12, 2014

lol. the w is so short ranged.

Reply January 12, 2014

[quote=CrsVoyboi]He would become at least semi viable and played a lot more if he had WAVE CLEAR.

that's the biggest problem. he got damage. it is his wave clear. It's a pain in the ass in lane to try to farm with only your Q. and in mid game you see a group of minions and it takes so much time to clear them out unless you use your ult.

riot says that they can't add wave clear to ezreal because that would break ad ezreals.

I suggest that they add allow W to hit minions BUT ONLY IF THEY HAVE 50 AP OR HIGHER. so iceborne or tri force ezreal adc's won't be able to wave clear with W.

maybe make it only do half damage if it's a bit too good.

@momozzz: he does not fall off with lich bane and insane AOE ap ult.[/quote]

lich bane procs and an ult every 30s only gets you so far lol

Reply January 12, 2014

cause he falls off and has no cc =(

Reply January 12, 2014