

ihavefood #Warrior Talk

General Warrior

magic crash at scarlion I know this question has been asked many times, but I have gone on a scar run and I was confused on whether a single warrior could cancel out wep-att-cancel everytime with the 1min cd on magic crash. i waited 10s after mag-att-cancel (it lasts for 30s, right?) to use crash. however, by the next round of wep-att-cancel, my cd had not finished so the wep-att-cancel would activate. am i doing it correctly? oh and after the wa-cancel has been cancelled, when does the mag att cancel start again? after the duration of the supposed wa-cancel has finished, or after the duration of magic crash has finished? btw, im from maplesea so the scar/targa might be different (from what i understand, scar/targa is a party quest for GMS