

Shots fired at microsoft by microsoft

June 12, 2013

21 Comments • Newest first


[quote=SilverFoxR]The point isn't that you can't do other things during internet downtime, it's that Microsoft is [b]making[/b] you with needless restrictions on items YOU purchased. Even if the game has no need to be played online, you still need to make sure you connect to the internet once a day or the games become unplayable?

This is a pointless control system by a company obsessed with squeezing the most money out of it's consumers and it's disgusting. As gamers, we should not accept such underhanded business practices. Microsoft deserves ALL the negativity they've recieved and more for how they plan on treating their customers. Yet, instead of adressing the issue, they're covering their eyes and ears and hoping it all goes away on it's own. Pathetic.

We as customers need to show them that they can't do what they want anymore... and by not purchasing their console, we send that statement. Trying to pass off the issue with lameass jokes is simply ignoring the problem.

Fighting against capitalism and "underhanded" business tactics has never been easier than buying something you didn't want in the first place. Keep up the brave fight, internet warrior. I'm sure your efforts will single-handedly save the video game industry.

Reply June 12, 2013

[quote=WontPostMuch]So the biggest issue is that you can't play your games for a couple of days at most if your internet happens to go out. Yeah, that seems like a great reason to be extremely upset about this new console. Because there totally isn't other things you could do in those couple of days. lol gamers really are a bunch of entitled, judgmental people.[/quote]

The point isn't that you can't do other things during internet downtime, it's that Microsoft is [b]making[/b] you with needless restrictions on items YOU purchased. Even if the game has no need to be played online, you still need to make sure you connect to the internet once a day or the games become unplayable?

This is a pointless control system by a company obsessed with squeezing the most money out of it's consumers and it's disgusting. As gamers, we should not accept such underhanded business practices. Microsoft deserves ALL the negativity they've recieved and more for how they plan on treating their customers. Yet, instead of adressing the issue, they're covering their eyes and ears and hoping it all goes away on it's own. Pathetic.

We as customers need to show them that they can't do what they want anymore... and by not purchasing their console, we send that statement. Trying to pass off the issue with lameass jokes is simply ignoring the problem.

EDIT @HyperNews:
I highly suggest against not buying the console. I've said this over and over: "We vote with our wallets." If we buy their console, we're telling them that we accept their terms. If they profit from these decisions, they have no reason to learn from their mistakes. In fact, it just lets them push their luck again next time, imposing even more restrictions and control on their consumers. It may not effect you NOW, but it may effect you LATER... and that's the real problem with all this. Companies like Microsoft need to learn that actions like this are not what we want and by refusing to buy into their schemes, we tell them this. But if they don't make a loss, they won't learn.

Reply June 12, 2013 - edited

[quote=demunpuncher]Or you know, they think like a normal, rational person who would like to use there $500 machine anytime but is upset that it becomes an incredibly expensive paperweight sponsored by the NSA when they lose their internet connection.[/quote]

Or they could, I don't know, just not buy it and move on with their lives? If you don't like it, why spend your time hating it so much? Gamers=the most irrational people on the planet.

Reply June 12, 2013 - edited

@WontPostMuch: seriously... do u even get the sarcastic analogy at all?
would you like some antipsychotic medicine to reduce the number of voices screaming microsoft-ftw in your head to understand what you're even quoting?

Reply June 12, 2013 - edited

[quote=Doutei]@SilverFoxR, no worries, he's just one of those die-hard microsoft fans scared to walk the plank.[/quote]

Jokes on you. I don't like Xbox and until recently I didn't even know microsoft was behind it (srs)


LOL @ missing the point. Nobody takes stupid consoles to Starbucks or McDonalds. That's retarded. Not to mention, I was talking from the perspective of when those consoles came out. Back when emulators weren't even a thing.

Reply June 12, 2013 - edited

@SilverFoxR, no worries, he's just one of those die-hard microsoft fans scared to walk the plank.

Reply June 12, 2013 - edited

[quote=SilverFoxR]What if your internet goes out? Say you're on a cable-based internet system and they have to disable the system for a few days to upgrade it? What if you want to take your console to your grandparent's house (who doesn't have an internet connection) or just as common, the cottage for the weekend?

If you have an XBone, you can't play your video games, because you're required to connect to the internet once a day. So, no taking it to grandma's house or to the cottage and if your internet provider goes down for more than a day, guess what you're not playing?

Who's the stupid one now?[/quote]

So the biggest issue is that you can't play your games for a couple of days at most if your internet happens to go out. Yeah, that seems like a great reason to be extremely upset about this new console. Because there totally isn't other things you could do in those couple of days. lol gamers really are a bunch of entitled, judgmental people.

Reply June 12, 2013 - edited

[quote=WontPostMuch]So you can afford a $350 or nore console but no internet connectivity. You can keep whining on your damn blogs and forums but somehow internet connection is a problem. Goddamn, gamers are pretty stupid.[/quote]

What if your internet goes out? Say you're on a cable-based internet system and they have to disable the system for a few days to upgrade it? What if you want to take your console to your grandparent's house (who doesn't have an internet connection) or just as common, the cottage for the weekend?

If you have an XBone, you can't play your video games, because you're required to connect to the internet once a day. So, no taking it to grandma's house or to the cottage and if your internet provider goes down for more than a day, guess what you're not playing?

Who's the stupid one now?

Reply June 12, 2013 - edited

@WontPostMuch: Please take a step back and rest your brain cells as they start shooting each other to end your sorrowful pain.

what ignoramous would bring up n64 n ps2 when you can get that crap emulated?

Reply June 12, 2013 - edited

[quote=dombywomby]hi youreawesome! i love u <3[/quote]

don't make me blush

Reply June 12, 2013 - edited

[quote=Doutei]that's the dumbest analogy i have heard today.
try this one:
y not try lugging that xbone down to a nearby mcdonalds/starbucks and ask for some wifi... oh don't forget to ask for an outlet, ah not to mention a tv to hook it up too.[/quote]

Ah yes, I forgot all the fun times I had taking my N64 or PS2 to the local Starbucks to play games.

Reply June 12, 2013 - edited

[quote=WontPostMuch]brb taking my consoles on a roadtrip across America or in my yacht when I'm sailing to Europe. Because both are likely scenarios for Xbox One use. Jesus Christ, the fact that people that obviously have internet connectivity are making this an issue is ridiculous.[/quote]

that's the dumbest analogy i have heard today.
try this one:
y not try lugging that xbone down to a nearby mcdonalds/starbucks and ask for some wifi... oh don't forget to ask for an outlet, ah not to mention a tv to hook it up too.

Reply June 12, 2013 - edited

[quote=WontPostMuch]brb taking my consoles on a roadtrip across America or in my yacht when I'm sailing to Europe. Because both are likely scenarios for Xbox One use. Jesus Christ, the fact that people that obviously have internet connectivity are making this an issue is ridiculous.[/quote]

Reply June 12, 2013 - edited

[quote=NeverAddAPlayer]Because you have the choice of internet everywhere, right?[/quote]

brb taking my consoles on a roadtrip across America or in my yacht when I'm sailing to Europe. Because both are likely scenarios for Xbox One use. Jesus Christ, the fact that people that obviously have internet connectivity are making this an issue is ridiculous.

Reply June 12, 2013 - edited

^^^ Truth actually. Think about it what friend have you seen lately that doesn't have an internet connection anyways.

Reply June 12, 2013 - edited

[quote=WontPostMuch]So you can afford a $350 or nore console but no internet connectivity. You can keep whining on your damn blogs and forums but somehow internet connection is a problem. Goddamn, gamers are pretty stupid.[/quote]

Because you have the choice of internet everywhere, right?

Reply June 12, 2013 - edited

So you can afford a $350 or nore console but no internet connectivity. You can keep whining on your damn blogs and forums but somehow internet connection is a problem. Goddamn, gamers are pretty stupid.

Reply June 12, 2013 - edited

rofl. why does microsoft keep shooting themselves in their own foot.

Reply June 12, 2013 - edited

Fortunately we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity; it's called a social life

Reply June 12, 2013 - edited

Fortunately we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity; it's called any other console in the world

Reply June 12, 2013 - edited