ilikefoodand #General Talk


I cant log in but I can run the game So I was disconnected by my mom... KICKING THE INTERNET CORD. DURING THE BATTLE OF ANI IN ESCAPE PQ! -Ragequit- When I try to log back on, it doesn't let me. I attempt to log in via the website, DC! Haha like that was a surprise. There are literally NO ERRORS/BOXES/Other crap you MIGHT SAY. I type my password and ID in as usual... checked it if it is correct. Press enter... and.... (... ends it right there o-o) (Rinse repeat). So... any suggestions on how to get back on? :D I CAN LOG IN TO ANY OTHER ACCOUNT FINE BTW! Tried on 2 other accounts and got on as usual. I can reinstall the game but I doubt that does anything since THAT^^^ :D


Regarding the Error report after DCs [url=]Here's the box if you don't know what I'm talking about[/url] A few questions I have w/ this. When you submit a valid report, do they actually receive it and read it? If they do read it, doesn't this make reporting bugs w/ tickets more faster? How would we ever know if they read it or not if they don't ask for some contact info? Lastly, have you submitted one and did they even acknowledge what you said during the "Bug Extermination" reports?

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