

What should I max? 3rd job

Which one should I max out? I have a feeling I should do tornado blade but I'm using sweeping sword very often atm.

Which one will be most beneficial to me after 3rd job?

January 12, 2014

3 Comments • Newest first


Tornado Blade is useful if you have mobs around that can die in one use of TB or one full Sanrenzan combo. Sweeping sword is useful...almost never, really, considering the range on most Hayato attacks.

Honestly, I think they should have made it so TB would reduce the cooldown of Hitokiri Strike by...I dunno, 5 seconds? That way they wouldn't have a completely dumb auto-cooldown even with the cooldown cutter, and they would free up space for a better hyper skill.

Reply January 13, 2014 - edited

U know, after reading this an actually thinking about it, i agree with those above that tornado blade would be more useful. I only wished i asked this earlier :l

Reply January 13, 2014 - edited

I would max tornado blade because sweeping sword doesn't have any benefits for bossing or mobbing because you have whirlwind cut.

Reply January 12, 2014 - edited