

Best Character Cards to support Evan?

I'm low funded (currently have like 30m or so) and am trying to increase my damage/survivablility. I have a level 120 cygnus, most of the link skills (no jett, am working on kanna and hayato and leveling others to 120 in preparation for level 2 link skills). I was wondering what character cards and set effects would be MOST effective in helping an evan? Right now, im just using 2 sets of 3 mages for the set effects, but I know I could probably replace some, like Bishop, Blaze Wizard, and maybe even the Evan cards. Does anyone know what would be best? I am prepared to make characters simply for the card.

June 10, 2013

8 Comments • Newest first


nothing affects hyperskills.. so summon duration is useless for this hyper

edit: I tried with 8% summon duration and it went from 30 sec to 41 sec, dont ask me how it works...

Reply June 16, 2013 - edited

Wow, thanks guys. This helped a lot.
So far, this is my hypothetical setup:
Deck 1:
Mercedes (I switched it around so i could geet the Hero set effect)

Deck 2:
Demon Slayer
Demon Avenger

Deck 3 (When it is released, obviously):

Although I may switch around the last two decks a bit, especially since I don't have a Jett and don't know when they'll release it again.

@Sinai: That's its link skill, yes, but we're talking about character cards. I got confused too haha.

Reply June 10, 2013 - edited

[quote=ImAPro]Thanks everyone! I've got one set down (Lumi, Evan, Kanna), im debating what to do with the other set. I feel like it would be useful for all of themin the second set to be the sme job for another set effect, so I'm trying to figure out what would be good. Maybe Aran(Same as evan but for HP)/ Demon Slayer (Status resist!)/ Hayato?

EDIT: Looking at the one above me, I might change to that.. I do like having the 3 mage bonus though. Hmmm.[/quote]

Hayato is NOT a good choice for Evans unless you've got decent SE, minimum critical damage doesn't help much if your minimum critical damage multiplier is already equal to if not greater than your maximum critical damage multiplier, and last time I checked, Evan is that way with SELF BUFFS, (minimum crit base: 120% max crit base: 150% magic mastery min crit bonus: 15%, Critical Magic min crit bonus: 15% total min crit: 120% + 15% +15%=150%, which is equal to the max crit, meaning any attempts to further increase your min crit is futile unless you get a max crit bonus)

Not only that, but the boost the mage set gives is minimal at best, it may seem like a major increase to your damage, because the increase is added to your range when it is calculated in the stat window, but in actuality, when the game calculates your damage, it isn't factoring it in as part of your range, in other words, factored in to skill % total damage% and boss damage % multipliers, but is instead added to your damage AFTER the skill % and total damage %, which means nexon made a mistake in adding it to your range, since when your damage is calculated, the boost is calculated AFTER the multipliers, not BEFORE, like you would beleive. It shouldn't be something you should seek out, but it still can help if it just happens to be better than the alternatives.

Also, unlimited will add a third deck to the character deck system, for a total of 9 cards.

Post-Unlimited deck build (my choice)

Deck 1:
1: Evan
2: Kanna
3: Luminous
Deck 2:
1: Demon Avenger
2. Demon Slayer
Deck 3:

Reasons: first off, the Evan is for less mp pot usage, the kanna is for boss damage (every bit helps), and the Lumi is for intelligence (decent amount of int = decent boost to dps) the mage set sucks for reasons above, sure, but its better than switching the cards into other decks and not have ANY set bonus

Second, Demon Avenger = more boss damage (every bit helps) Demon Slayer bc Evans need all the status resist they can get, mechanic for less chance of dying w/o soul stone and less recasting, and to round out the resistance set bonus, (the allstat bonus, while meager, is still useful)

Lastly, Jett and Corsair are for Summon Onyx Dragon more of the time, both because it looks cool, and because it will allow it to attack more times before it expires (and, as far as I know, it IS affected by summon duration, both because nexon said hypers are unaffected by buff duration and cooldown reduction and because it seems to last a bit longer than my Frenzied Soul when I use the Jett card), not only that, but in the newest KMST patch, Summon Onyx Dragon gives 80% status resistance, but only while summoned, giving you incentive to keep it out as long as possible, and its duration is increased, so the jett/sair bonuses have a much more noticable effect. Lastly, the mercedes is to lower cooldowns, Evans have quite a few cooldown skills, some of them very useful, so if you reduce the cooldown of soul stone, you'll reduce the chances of dying without it on, increasing your chance to be revived, if you reduce the cooldown on recovery aurora, you have it out for more of the time, so you heal more of the time, and have less pot consumption, you can use Dark Fog more often, which can actually be useful with its damage split hyper skill.

Edit: @above: what do you mean, just? 10% total is comparable to ds's 15% boss, AND it works on LHC/SH mobs, which boss damage doesn't, meaning its good for both training AND bossing, also, it MULTIPLIES onto boss damage/total damage buffs (so I've heard), while normal total damage buffs stack ADDITIVELY with other boss/total damage buffs. So its actually VERY good.

Reply June 10, 2013 - edited

I have :
Deck 1, 3 Mage explorer set:

Deck 2, useful 4th job classes for Evan:
-Mechanic (15% buff duration at lv 100. DEFINITELY worth it, once you get and max soul stone with this it lasts 345 seconds, with 360 coldown. Covered from death at boss runs for almost all the time. Lv 200 (20% buff duration) makes it even, SS lasts 360 seconds with 360 cd.)
-Luminous (+40INT)
-Evan (very very nice. Once you get to 10th growth and max Onyx Will ALL damage goes to mp. With this I never have to pot while hunting monsters or at LHC. Helps a lot at empress as well.)

Other Useful cards:
-Kanna (%boss damage)
-Battle mage (damage reduction, helps survive 1/1 from bosses although with a tiny bit of hp.)

Make sure to have them all 4th job and 120+ for their respective link skills for a greater boost. Also we will be getting another spot for a 3rd deck so you might wanna start working on those already.

Reply June 10, 2013 - edited

Thanks everyone! I've got one set down (Lumi, Evan, Kanna), im debating what to do with the other set. I feel like it would be useful for all of themin the second set to be the sme job for another set effect, so I'm trying to figure out what would be good. Maybe Aran(Same as evan but for HP)/ Demon Slayer (Status resist!)/ Hayato?

EDIT: Looking at the one above me, I might change to that.. I do like having the 3 mage bonus though. Hmmm.

Reply June 10, 2013 - edited

Deck #1:

Aran + Evan + Mercedes

You get the Hero set bonus (5 heroes)
Aran = Healing HP when attacking.
Evan = Healing MP when attacking.
Mercedes = Cooldown Decrease.

With this set, you can attack more, without worrying about using potions, and its lets you use the important skills more, for better GAMEPLAY.

Deck #2:

Mechanic + Kanna + Card of your choice

Altough you don't get any bonuses from having both Kanna and Mechanic in the same deck, these are the absolute two best cards to use after the three above.
Mechanic = Buff Duration.
Kanna = Boss Damage.
Card of you choice better be a high rank.

Reply June 10, 2013 - edited

Since Evan is a mage, I recommend making the following classes for their character card effects:
+Luminous (+INT, I believe a Lv 100 luminous gives you +40 INT, but you should level him to 120 for the Lv 2 link skill.)
+Kanna (Level Kanna to 120 for the Lv 2 link skill. Her character card is Bossing damage which is very good)
+Evan (MP Drain is very good, even if it has a cooldown. Also you already have an Evan so you don't have to level another character.)
That should give you a Bonus for having 3 Mage character cards in 1 character set.

The last 3 is up to you. Here are some choices:
+Mechanic (+15% buff duration at Lv 100, this is VERY USEFUL so you don't have to constantly rebuff.)
+Buccaneer (+4 damage per a level at Lv 100, this boost is BETTER than the Arch Mage I/L card, although the boost is still extremely small.)
+Aran (HP Drain with a cooldown, I recommend leveling Aran to 100 for a decent effect. Aran + Evan card = never use pots again while training/dojo.)

Reply June 10, 2013 - edited

I don't know about sets, but here's some good single card effects: Kanna-boss damage, DS-status resist, Mech-buff duration, Merc-cooldown reduce.

Reply June 10, 2013 - edited