

In my life, I had no real friends

Perhaps I had some "real" friends, but I was too little to tell the difference back then. All the friends I have now are fake. They only use me to get homework. Whenever they start a conversation, it'll probably be about if I did my homework. The only reason I stick by them is because I literally have no where else to sit and since they talk to me at least, I prefer to sit there. They never really invite me over or simply just ask "how was your weekend." My parents think I'm a failure because I "only go on the computer all day and if I'm not there, play basketball." (Usually, I play basketball more often.) They question why I never have any friends over, while my brother does.

This thread was inspired by [url=]this thread.[/url] I needed a place where I can type all this out and not care about the bad judgement I got.

April 29, 2013

14 Comments • Newest first


I heard over there you call each other friend after seeing each other just a few times, the definition of friendship is probably way off over there.

Either way, try to somehow socialize with the people around you some more. Do what you expect them to do, you can't really expect them to be true friends when you just sit there waiting for something to happen or change or for someone to magically enter your life.
You have to get to them on a more personal level.

I noticed that at work. There was that one guy I got along very well but I barely saw him and it never went beyond a 2-3 sentence small talk. Then when I started to just talk to him more for the heck of it I could socialize much more and in the end he even told me he wants to pay me my lunch when we go sushi eating.
You gotta put yourself out there so people are able to open up for you and embrace you and become friends with you.

Reply April 29, 2013

[quote=Boss]Let's be serious, when you're down and need people to talk to, you suddenly think no one is your friend.[/quote]
I don't know too much about your social life, but if I am in a crappy mood my friends have a sixth sense and want me to spill my guts so I feel better. Its almost kinda weird.

Reply April 29, 2013

I would prefer to not have to pick and choose qualities I would want in a friend. As long as they're a good person (not a dishonest person that harms others.) I don't like it when people feel like they don't want to be someone's friend because of the person's lack of wealth, education, status in society, or a bad habit. It's sad when someone thinks they're too good to be friends with someone else.

Reply April 29, 2013

Usually people do not see themselves in a good light. You say that these people use you for homework and that may be true. Let me ask you something though have you actually talked to them about more than homework? I'm talking about you actually starting up a topic about something. I had a friend, lets call him 177. So 117 and me had the same math class. We have mutual friends and we know each other, but never really talk to one another. I talk about homework with him and thats about it. But then one day when we had a substitute i started up the topic of video games, silly right. Well that silly thing actually got us closer, now I don't only ask him about homework, i talk him more openly now, and he returns the feeling. You see people don't like taking the first step, unless the other person made the first step, you have to do something. And if you really can't find a friend, something is wrong with you, sorry for being blunt but its the truth. It wouldn't hurt to think for a couple of minutes about why too so you can fix yourself. I really hope you find a "true" friend. I wish you a great life.

Reply April 29, 2013

Let's be serious, when you're down and need people to talk to, you suddenly think no one is your friend.
Come back when you're in a good mood and have positive energy, and THEN evaluate just how great your life really is.

Reply April 29, 2013

Is your name Hung?
OT: set a limit and tell them you're not going to let them copy.

Reply April 29, 2013

I'm not sure from the context, but you've got to try to make the effort yourself. If you don't put the effort into forming a friendship, the other person won't do the same. Also, though things may seem hard now things do get better. I had a hard time with friendships but after I realized that if I was always down on myself and didn't put the effort in to talking to people and inviting them out they wouldn't do the same. My two cents.

Reply April 29, 2013

For me it's hard to make friends. Most of the time people tend to look for specific personality/traits in other people that they want to befriend. And they tend to not deviate from this. If you don't possess these characteristics the chances of them befriending you is slim. Of course there are exceptions, there are just people who are extremely and genuinely nice to everyone and you'll know this when they give of this positive non-threatening calm energy. This is my opinion. I gravitate toward non judgmental people who are nice, caring, and sincere. I despise anyone with a huge ego, narcissist, condescending attitude.

Reply April 29, 2013

[quote=superlold]have you considered that you may be kinda weird/smelly/annoying/clingy/rude/obnoxious?

its not really that hard to make real friends[/quote]

I use deodorant and axe before and after P.E. I do have that ability of knowing when someone is getting annoyed of me. I'm 100% sure I'm not rude.

Reply April 29, 2013

Don't worry too much over this. Most people have "real" friends, but a lot of them ARE fake. You're going to have to find those really rare diamonds-in-the-rough kind of people. It took me until my senior year to find my first true real friend. The rest I just consider close acquaintances.

Reply April 29, 2013

its simply cuz you're too comfortable that way.
move out of your comfort zone and try out new things.

Reply April 29, 2013

Because no-one in this world is sincere.

Reply April 29, 2013 - edited

Kind of in the same situation although my "friends" act more along the lines of inviting me but still don't really act like true friends. Dunno what we're doing wrong dunno why we all cant get decent freidns

Reply April 29, 2013 - edited

You get as much out of people as much as you're willing to put yourself out there. People rarely go out of their way to get to know each other unless they're specifically interested.. generally. What it takes if for your to start a friendship rather than wait for it to happen.

Put yourself out there a little more - share more about you.

Reply April 29, 2013 - edited