

Whats the point of seal

I dont get why mages max seal? Whats the importance of it wouldnt it just slow down training time by casting it? Can someone please explain thank you in advance!

July 31, 2011

6 Comments • Newest first


seal used to be much more useful....back when most people took a few hits to kill something or you wanted to take on maybe 2 mobs of 6 a great distance between each freeze/stun + seal one of the mobs then kill the other and as the 1st mob unfreezes and walks over, it A) doestn stop(slowing its travels to you) to attack and B) doesnt attack

dotn worry about it now, just pvp

Reply August 1, 2011

This is why seal fails:

Reply July 31, 2011

It used to be useful when killing things took several hits, and mages have to jump into a hoard of monsters they can't freeze. Though aside from pvp I can't really think of a current day use... since bosses can't be sealed. >.<;

Reply July 31, 2011

i guess its cuz
other options are
Elemental Resistane
and Elemental Composition

which are kinda useless[/quote]
Isnt elemental composition better then thunder spear? You need to max on of the attacks =p

Reply July 31, 2011

i guess its cuz
other options are

Elemental Resistane
and Elemental Composition

which are kinda useless

Reply July 31, 2011

Oh so it seals people up from using skills? That would help out a lot actually so theres really no point for it in training?

Reply July 31, 2011