

infferrno #Nexon Talk

General Nexon

Vindictus - Fiona Gameplay [url=]Gnoll Chief Solo[/url] Current look: Hi, this is the EA of Vindictus and I'm currently level 22 (was 21 in this video). Please excuse the lag and horrible skills. My only excuse was the lag from the camera and the fact that my fingers are still numb from marching band rehearsal... outside... I took out the first half because it was basically me getting beat up by a large hammer. o-o Yeah... I started to get the feel of my character around when this started. The two times you see me hit were mistakes. I accidentally hit run instead of shield. o-o Whatever... enjoy! I play on the West Si-heed... sorry Side. My IGN is Caessa and feel free to add me as long as you're nic