

infferrno #Pirate Talk

General Pirate

Doesn't this just piss you off? ... I look at the Chaos patch, the BB patch, and the Jump patch. What do I see? I see a whole bunch of classes getting new skills, attacking and buffing skills, plenty of animation changes. How did these make me feel? Excited because I believed WE'D be included... guess what? We get NO new animations, barely anything new other than Dice... which isn't even very reliable... We seem to be shoved aside. -_- The Jump update is broken up into 3 sections, revamp for warriors, revamp for mages, and revamp for archers. The huge revamp before this boosts the Hero classes while the recent patch boosted Cygnus classes. How long do we have to wait to get our fair share? All they've done is increase our percentages and f*

General Pirate

Newting for Dummies please. :3 I've been gone for 2? 3? months and... let's just say my control sucks more than a hook(er) does in a year... I've been practicing and some of it is coming back... well, to get to the meat of the problem, I'm in Newting season and, when I'm stun-locking and beating the mangoes out of one Newtie, another one Shoops me in the back. o-o So, anyone got a good method or guide on Newting? (Like, do I take top, mid, bottom. How do I kill them, etc...)