

Taking my drivers test tomorrow

You basilers (Who do happen to have their driving licenses) have any tips or advice for me?

August 19, 2013

16 Comments • Newest first


Glance around your car and make a note where everything is. All lights, signals and don't forget your hazard lights. It's also easy to not abide by signs fully when you're nervous. Remember at a stop sign, come to a complete stop and wait for your car to settle back before going. I think most people try to rush it, and they tend to say something.

Reply August 20, 2013

I failed twice before passing my third time. You can do it, man.

Reply August 20, 2013

Don't use a minivan

Reply August 20, 2013

[quote=SomeJello]They actually told me to sign up for an early test haha but the reason being that the instructors would be a lot less uptight and stressed earlier in the day.[/quote]

Man, this is so true. The first time I went when it was near closing, it seemed like everyone was on their period from how ticked off they all were. After I told her I was a little nervous, she told me I had better make sure I didn't kill her. </3

I failed the first time I took it because I couldn't parallel park under nerves even when I did fine the day before. I managed to hit the curb and then the pole, resulting in an automatic failure. My instructor told me I was an awful driver and the roads would be safer even though I hadn't left the parking lot. And really, who parallel parks anymore in the suburbs?

A month later, I went to a different place about an hour away at 9am after dealing with those lovely people. The next set of people were so much happier and we only drove around neighborhoods for ten minutes. I passed but got counted off as when I turned right on a green light, I didn't check left to make sure there wasn't someone running a red light. Don't speed either. A friend of mine automatically failed when he turned left and sat in the median (apparently you're not supposed to do that...?). Good luck!

Reply August 20, 2013 - edited

Brake early.

Reply August 20, 2013 - edited

I think the hardest thing was changing lanes with other traffic around. You can say it's not safe and they will allow that.
OH but only if it really isn't safe. If it's safe and you say it's not you will fail

Reply August 19, 2013 - edited

@drhye actually its a good test of nerves when youre brought into an area you dont know cause thats where a lot of mistakes happens.

Reply August 19, 2013 - edited

If you know how to park half decently, then it should be easy.

Reply August 19, 2013 - edited

If you have time, familiarize yourself with the area where you will take your test.
Other than that, just don't speed and follow the rules of the road and you will be fine.

Reply August 19, 2013 - edited

[quote=SomeJello]^^^^ That's actually good advice. If you don't suck at driving and actually know how, there's no reason why you should fail.[/quote]

I actually failed my first test. I did all 50 hours of practice and everything, but I took the test with an uptight instructor in an area I wasn't familiar with. Made a careless mistake and it was bad enough to fail me.

The second time, I took it with a really nice guy who did talk to me, but about high school robotics. It was in an area close to where I live, so I was familiar with everything and passed with no mentioned issues.

Another tip (that's actually not helpful at this point) is to sign up for an early test, as early in the day as they'll allow. The traffic will be minimal and it'll make everything easier.

Reply August 19, 2013 - edited

i didnt have this on my drivers test but if your turning left or right and there are 2 lanes make sure u stay on your lane, i know it sounds stupid but i cant tell u how many times i almost switched lanes during the turn, only reason i didnt was because my dad yelled at me lol. and make sure u know to parallel park, then again idk what state ur in so this may or may not help u.

Reply August 19, 2013 - edited

[url=]Just don't drive like this[/url]

OT: In all seriousness, it's really easy. Just use your blinker literally every time you make a turn (I got some points deducted when I was in a parking lot and the only way I could've went was left, so I didn't use my blinker, which I find pretty stupid) and make a complete stop at the stop sign. Also, when they have you park at the curb, use your blinker, pull over, and if it's uphill, turn the tires away from the curb (turn them towards the curb if it's downhill) and then stick the car into neutral and let it roll back until the tire hits the curb and then put it in park.

Reply August 19, 2013 - edited

Make sure that when you check your mirrors, it's very clear that you're doing so. Don't just move your eyes, move your whole head so the instructor knows you're checking. Aside from that, there's no real tricks. You know how to drive, so just prove it to the instructor.

Just be calm. You should have hours and hours of experience already. This is just another drive, with a different person in the passenger seat.

Reply August 19, 2013 - edited

I know a lot of people try not to speed on the exam, but make sure you don't drive too slowly either. The guy that took the exam before me failed for that reason.

Reply August 19, 2013 - edited

They will try to talk to you a lot so you get distracted, so try to ignore them or reply with a simple answer.
My examiner did that on my first test and I ran a stop sign.

Oh and know the rules on parking on a curve.

Reply August 19, 2013 - edited

don't crash

Reply August 19, 2013 - edited