

Dex for Lvl 130 2h

Opinions on the 130 2h axe? is it worth making?
Im pretty sure if I try hard enough I can achieve the 160 dex and craft it.

December 29, 2011

4 Comments • Newest first


@iplayms121: I..... [i]might[/i] be slightly biased as to how awesome it is. Honestly it is the best 2H weapon for Heroes in the game for DPM other than the Empress ones if you can get enough attack and %str from other sources. The only major drawback is that everyone will ask/assume that you have a hacked ST. I get asked if my ST is hacked around 2-3 times a day. It gets annoying. It's a great weapon with a bad rep.

Reply December 29, 2011

[quote=Cthulhusama]If you want to use a 2H axe, can get the dex while dexless, and can afford to GM scroll the thing it is the best 2H axe other than the Timesplitter. Getting 30 emblems shouldn't take more than 10-12 days with only around an hour spent on PvP a day.

Obviously a 1H is a better option but also would require a shield which makes it more expensive (and may or may not be ascetically pleasing to you) but as far as 2H axes are concerned it is a very good option.[/quote]

Is the Stonetooth any good?, I dont really prefer 1h weps and the Stonetooth looks pretty beast.
I have enough money to perfect one, what is your opinion on it?

Reply December 29, 2011 - edited

I have the bloody axe, and its very possible to do it dexless, i reset my dex to 4 and had like 170 dex with all my equips. I reset my dex back to a base of 50 so i can easily wear almost any equip i want and the axe rather than just dex equips, and i can easily wear it in pvp with other bloody equips when i get them. However if your undecided about the dex, just go for a VIP no dex requirement.

Reply December 29, 2011 - edited

If you want to use a 2H axe, can get the dex while dexless, and can afford to GM scroll the thing it is the best 2H axe other than the Timesplitter. Getting 30 emblems shouldn't take more than 10-12 days with only around an hour spent on PvP a day.

Obviously a 1H is a better option but also would require a shield which makes it more expensive (and may or may not be ascetically pleasing to you) but as far as 2H axes are concerned it is a very good option.

Reply December 29, 2011 - edited