

iplayms121 #Battlemage Talk

General Battlemage

Battle Mage pvp glitch dont misuse K so i was playing capture the flag on my bam, and i used blue aura then there was another BaM that used dark aura, once i neared the opponents area i used body boost for 10 sec invincibilty ofc, but the animation showed dark aura being boosted and guess what i was invincible for than 10 secs ( as long as dark auras duration ) Im just throwing this out there, dont misuse and send tickets if you want. Enjoy, OT: How do you get the flag hound medal? i have cap crusher and top capper but i cant get the last one </3 help plz? Happy Mapling

General Battlemage

is getting luk from potential a good thing k i have a lvl 52 BaM, and i decided to cap luk at 55, i have like 17 luk from equips ( will get more dw) and out the 17, 9 are from potential. Is this gonna mess up int%? cuz im planning on getting earrings with like 9% int, potentialing my targa for some decent int%, and some other items with int % ( belts dep star etc) Should i stick with the items have ( overall + boots) that have luk potential or scroll overall + boots for luk?