ironpenguin #Warrior Talk

General Warrior

Potentialed 110 warrior equips Broa P/c So, ran through alot of evo lab...Got a handful of potentialed warrior equips. Most of it being garbage, but there is a few i think (might) be worth more then their NPC value. Blue dragon boots Base stats, +3% str, +110 Wdef. Blue dragon boots Base stats, +110 wdef, +55 wdef, +55 wdef (Yes. Really. This is mostly there for the humor value. I dont expect it to be worth anything) Blue dragon gauntlet Base stats, +3% str, +55 Wdef. Blue dragon gauntlet Base stats, Mdef +110, MaxMP +110, MaxMp +55 Blue dragon helmet Base stats, Avoid +44, Avoid +3% Blue dragon armor Base stats, MaxHp +3%, Dex +6 So. Yeah, mainly looking for a price check on the 3% str equips, and the blue dragon armor. Not looking for any