

How do I write a story?

where do i startzz

July 31, 2013

13 Comments • Newest first


start as close to the end as possible

Reply July 31, 2013

What i do is:
-Think what the story plot will be
-Have an estimation of how many chapters there will be and how the plot adjusts to each chapter (ex: about 10 chapters; ch.5 is the climax)
-Decide on protagonist(s) and antagonist(s) and whether or not there will be side characters
-This is my own personal style but i like introducing characters with very short backgrounds then as events happen during their life it affects the way their personality/trait/habits/etc as the story progresses rather than them just sticking to one type of character (ex: obnoxious adult gets into car crash and refuses to acknowledge anything in the world (<~ totally made up on the spot))
-I dont want people to just randomly read my stories so i usually have some kind of simple theme/moral to it.

Reply July 31, 2013

i thought u were good at writing stories.

Reply July 31, 2013

start off with
[i]"A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...."[/i]

Reply July 31, 2013

Depends on your approach. There's no genuinely wrong way to write a story.

You could develop your characters first and then create an overarching scenario that justifies the events in the story, or you could create the scenario first and use that to develop the characters and their motives. You could develop an abstract theme that sets up the events, or you could use the events to set the theme. You could start one leg at a time from beginning to finish, or you could start with the ending in mind and build up events that lead up to it, letting the story take warps and bends to get there.

Personally, for longer narratives, I like to start off by determining what kind of story I'm writing. From there, I build the skeleton of the characters -- just enough detail about them so that I can imagine how they would act when certain events occur. Then I develop the story a little more, then the characters, then the story, up until I have a decent framework. Then I 'start over', this time developing the setting and mood as I begin to introduce more to the framework.

For short ones, I may just think of a character or two and toss them into a scenario and let them define themselves. That's probably why they're so much funner to write.

Just relax and let your mind determine your method. That's probably the best advice I can give.

Reply July 31, 2013

how much

Reply July 31, 2013

First you decide you will write a story

Reply July 31, 2013 - edited

Get an idea, write a general outline, add details.

Reply July 31, 2013 - edited

where idea

Reply July 31, 2013 - edited

First you need an idea

Reply July 31, 2013 - edited

1. Come up with a bunch of characters. These need to be people who you really, really understand, to the point where you would know what they would do in any given situation. Feel free to base them off yourself or loved ones in your life if that helps.
2. Pick up all those characters and drop them in the weirdest situation you can think of.
3. Just watch what they do. Don't nudge them or force a plot onto them, just see how they react to the situation and how they interact with each other. It's like roleplaying, except you're acting multiple characters by yourself.
4. If you like it, there you go. If not, tweak some variables in steps 1 or 2.

(Disclaimer: this is just one of many possible ways to write a story.)

Reply July 31, 2013 - edited