

Bowmaster Training at Lhc

When my Ranger became a Bow-master, the crockies in the first map were unable to use their range attack and hit me, and I was happy because the only damage I would feel from them is the touch damage.

Now, when I am at LHC, I get hit by their ranged attack, and because of this, I get hit a lot more, and I pot spam. It seems that all I do, the Eilete Puppet only lasts for a little bit, and considering I am a UA Bow-master, my HP is just that much lower than the average.

What exactly should I do in order to not get hit as much from the Crockies?

December 23, 2011

5 Comments • Newest first


Just tough it out for a few more levels. Bearwolves are much more manageable.

Reply December 23, 2011

tbh, we have a lot of hp now lmao the fact that they aren't 2hitting you (or 1hitting if you wanna go back further) is something you should count your blessings for. you signed up for a class that has little hp and defense, but a lot of attack. get used to it. you have drain arrow for a reason. in most cases it's best to stay at the bottom and spam inferno and hurricane throwing in a drain arrow every 3-4 seconds. you think "this slows my training down"..well you're right. but odds are that early on unless your funded, that your damage is so minute compared to the rest of the parties, that you aren't hurting yourself too much by using drain arrow. and when you get into the higher levels and start dishing out damage, then you'll be killing BEARWOLVES fast enough for it to not really matter.

Reply December 23, 2011

There is nothing you can do.
Them not hitting you with ranged attacks was actually a glitch that lasted a while; it is now fixed.
I am sorry but you'll have to either deal with it, get a pet with Auto-HP, or train elsewhere.

Reply December 23, 2011 - edited

It's tough as a bowmaster to control mobs well since we don't have any knock back skills. But at LHC each platform has only 1 place where crockies spawn every time. If I'm not mistaken, this spot is closest to the center of the map on every platform, so if you stand on the far edge of the platform and use inferno to knock the crockies to the other side of the platform you can avoid a lot of damage. Use elite puppet so that they stay at that side and then when another corcky spawns, it will also be attracted to that side rather than to you. Just spam inferno/cane and set up puppet again whenever it runs out until you've taken out the group.
I have virtually 0 pot burn when I do this, and when i get hit i just use drain arrow plus jr. boogie familiar makes it so i never have to use MP pots.

Oh and this also protects you from the ranged attack cuz from the other end of the platfrom you'll be out of their range.

Reply December 23, 2011 - edited

er;;;; sucks to be u?
well the map itself doesnt have many platfroms so i suggest u just get a corner and spam fire arrow or hurricane
your butt off

Reply December 23, 2011 - edited