

Quit after Genesis Cdr, Worth to rejoin?

Hi Guys!

I quit ever since the "Big Bang" patch that completely revamped Maple Story. I've played for a little bit off and on for then (maybe about 15 hours total). How are bishops now as a party champ? I heard about HS steal from other classes, so are bishops still in demand for parties?

I'm in Bera if that matters at all.

January 6, 2014

23 Comments • Newest first


@sevenofnine: I guess that's one of the pains of a Bishop. I would've rather a somehwat wide magic circle with a golden aura instead of another bubble but hey, double bubble sounds fun c:

Reply January 12, 2014

@JustAnotherUser: Yes, I know, but I'd rather not have my eyes have to wander around the entire screen (HP/MP, buffs cooldown are all at the bottom of the screen). =

Reply January 12, 2014

[quote=JustAnotherUser]To be fair, both are "Golden bubble shields".[/quote]

Which is EXTREMELY annoying as makes it very hard to tell if HMS is on if you are in a boss run with other people and you've got DP on. Why couldn't it have been silver or white instead?

Reply January 8, 2014 - edited

To be fair, both are "Golden bubble shields".

Reply January 8, 2014 - edited

Ah, guess I read wrong.

Reply January 8, 2014 - edited

[quote=DrStrangenoob]But bubble is still useful against Arkarium screen crack, eh?

I thought bubble was a great active buff when it first came out. Defense against seduce, temporary invincibility, and a way to heal around zombify. But with all the skill overlap with dispel and the new holy fountain and healing AR (I haven't figured out the mechanics of it healing party members yet or whether it's broken or not) and more and more bosses (*cough* CRA *cough*) ignoring it, I think it needs an update where it can partially ignore %HP attacks.

Kinda like what pallies got with RED and what BaM's party shield gets with FLY. Obviously not 100% damage ignore for %HP attacks, but something where you take 25% less damage from %HP attacks when shell is active but it eats up 2 attack counters would be nice. I dislike how CRA bosses render most of my support abilities moot outside of door.[/quote]
We were talking about Divine protection, you know, that aura thingy that blocks lethal status (aka seduction). Assuming you dispel often and coupled with Hero's will, we still got seduce immunity.
Of course Holy magic shell is useful, one of my favorite skills.

Reply January 8, 2014 - edited

But bubble is still useful against Arkarium screen crack, eh?

I thought bubble was a great active buff when it first came out. Defense against seduce, temporary invincibility, and a way to heal around zombify. But with all the skill overlap with dispel and the new holy fountain and healing AR (I haven't figured out the mechanics of it healing party members yet or whether it's broken or not) and more and more bosses (*cough* CRA *cough*) ignoring it, I think it needs an update where it can partially ignore %HP attacks.

Kinda like what pallies got with RED and what BaM's party shield gets with FLY. Obviously not 100% damage ignore for %HP attacks, but something where you take 25% less damage from %HP attacks when shell is active but it eats up 2 attack counters would be nice. I dislike how CRA bosses render most of my support abilities moot outside of door.

Reply January 8, 2014 - edited

[quote=sevenofnine]Dispel WILL NOT remove seduce from you if you become seduced, however. (Use Hero's Will for that.)[/quote]
That's lame. I guess golden bubble status shield has a purpose now.

Reply January 7, 2014 - edited

@vincerulez17: Oh right, thank you. I didnt read the phantom update notes

Reply January 7, 2014 - edited

@inoru i dont know where you were when the phantom revamp came around but all their stolen skills are now 100% the time they are supposed to last.

Reply January 6, 2014 - edited

[quote=OrionTempest]"Dispel can now heal stun, seduce, confusion, Zombify, and Dark Tornado, in addition to existing effects"

Don't forget that, took them long enough.[/quote]

Dispel WILL NOT remove seduce from you if you become seduced, however. (Use Hero's Will for that.)

Reply January 6, 2014 - edited

"Dispel can now heal stun, seduce, confusion, Zombify, and Dark Tornado, in addition to existing effects"

Don't forget that, took them long enough.

Reply January 6, 2014 - edited

@Inoru: I quit for a long time too and when I came back last month and a bishop in my party summoned it beside me and went back to grinding on his side of the map I was like.... "whats that shiny thingy?" ..she explained it and I was like wooow.. didnt use pots for the rest of the grinding session.

Reply January 6, 2014 - edited

@PhreshPrynce: And that too!

@TS: It's a 'fountain' where you or your party members can heal themselves when they press the Up arrow key when standing on it. It heals up to 20 times or until the duration runs out

Reply January 6, 2014 - edited

[quote=Inoru]You've come back just right after the second biggest update to adventurers

- Bishops actually yield really good damage even if funding is average. There is no leech selling, not much hs selling.
- Gene is kind of back in action, it still has a cool down, except it's used in a combination with Big Bang. During the cool down you can spam Big Bang without charging it; and BB is your main mobbing skill now.
- Angel Ray is your bossing move, with the level 150 hyper skill activated the skill heals you while you spam it and it adds a couple more lines to AR. However it makes AR single target.
- Door doesn't need magic rocks anymore, doom is removed
- Magic shell, and its cool down cutter hyper, and also the level 170 hyper Heaven's Door, makes you almost invincible. Magic shell gives you temporary protection that you can cast often with the cool down cutter hyper. Heaven's door does damage but also buffs you to prevent you from dying just once, then you have to recast it.
- Advanced blessing, with the hyper boost, gives a whooping 50 att/matt buff to you and your party members
- Holy Symbol is no longer a party play buff. You don't need at least 2 people to have an EXP boost. Now it's just a solid 150% for you and your party members, no matter how many people (even if you solo).
- Edit: Phantom is the class that can steal a bishop's HS buff. However it also hinders the phantom from using other 3rd job skills stolen from other jobs that could improve their damage significantly, so if there's a bishop that's beneficial for the phantom themselves. Also stolen skills from phantoms have only 50% of the duration of the original skill. Henceforth demand for HS on bishops is not necessarily lowered.

TL;DR Bishops can be a decent attacker, but is still a really good support class. Don't forget resurrection and dispel [/quote]

oh oh oh dont forget to tell her bout that amazing new move called holy fountain or something that can be summoned on a spot on a map where party members can go to it to heal themselves!

Reply January 6, 2014 - edited

You've come back just right after the second biggest update to adventurers

- Bishops actually yield really good damage even if funding is average. There is no leech selling, not much hs selling.
- Gene is kind of back in action, it still has a cool down, except it's used in a combination with Big Bang. During the cool down you can spam Big Bang without charging it; and BB is your main mobbing skill now.
- Angel Ray is your bossing move, with the level 150 hyper skill activated the skill heals you while you spam it and it adds a couple more lines to AR. However it makes AR single target.
- Door doesn't need magic rocks anymore, doom is removed
- Magic shell, and its cool down cutter hyper, and also the level 170 hyper Heaven's Door, makes you almost invincible. Magic shell gives you temporary protection that you can cast often with the cool down cutter hyper. Heaven's door does damage but also buffs you to prevent you from dying just once, then you have to recast it.
- Advanced blessing, with the hyper boost, gives a whooping 50 att/matt buff to you and your party members
- Holy Symbol is no longer a party play buff. You don't need at least 2 people to have an EXP boost. Now it's just a solid 150% for you and your party members, no matter how many people (even if you solo).
- Edit: Phantom is the class that can steal a bishop's HS buff. However it also hinders the phantom from using other 3rd job skills stolen from other jobs that could improve their damage significantly, so if there's a bishop that's beneficial for the phantom themselves. Henceforth demand for HS on bishops is not necessarily lowered.

TL;DR Bishops can be a decent attacker, but is still a really good support class. Don't forget resurrection and dispel

Reply January 6, 2014 - edited

"How are bishops as a party champ?"

lmao quit for LoL

Reply January 6, 2014 - edited

Post-RED, when genesis is on cooldown, big bang is spammable for full damage without charge. Anyways, refer to @IsGamer's guide for more info.

Basically, Bishops have been buffed so much that u can't just leave and not try out the new bishop. They're much better supporters and bossers and have more survivability then they did when big bang came around.

Reply January 6, 2014 - edited

Maple's changed a lot more over these years than Big Bang could ever change.

Reply January 6, 2014 - edited

We no longer should sell HS, oh, and I hope the guide i made can help you get updated:

Reply January 6, 2014 - edited