

Getting into College

Can I get into college without playing any sports or joining any clubs? o.o
High school's coming up in like 2 weeks and... yeah. >.<
I [b]really[/b] don't wanna play a sport, cause you know, I'm American and stuff.
But if a club is interesting I might join... Although I like spending the smallest amount of time at school
My grades are high and I've had perfect attendance since 6th grade.

August 9, 2011

7 Comments • Newest first


Ok I'm a lot less lost Thanks basilers~

Reply August 9, 2011

Uhh what does being "American" have to do with sports.. many of us are "American" btw you are "American" if you are born in America. If you are trying to say that you are causasian that is something different. But being "American" isn't the basis of rejection. My friend was an American half african american and half mexican. He got into MIT with a B- average through out high school. (Mostly Cs and some As)

OT: Do some clubs. Join the volunteering club in your area and just help out in the school. Show you like to take some leadership and that should be sufficient.

Reply August 9, 2011

You CAN but I wouldn't recommend not getting involved. Extracurriculars and clubs are one a great way to meet new people and two beneficial when your applying to colleges (well obviously). If your not into sports I would recommend joining a sort of community service club like key club or something? but thats just meee

Reply August 9, 2011

Not needed, but socializing is always nice.

Reply August 9, 2011

Probably to state schools

Reply August 9, 2011

It depends on the school. Some weigh your extracurricular activities quite highly.

Others care about the numbers only- as long as you're top couple % of your HS graduating class and score in the top few percent of your SAT/ACT, they'll take you.

Since you won't know for sure which school and major you want quite yet (it may change in the next 4 years), you should hedge your bets and join some clubs. Ideally you want a leadership position or two in them.

Besides, even if your school doesn't need them, any scholarships you apply for may need them. So it won't hurt. As long as they don't interfere with your ability to get top notch grades, you literally have nothing more worthwhile (in the long run) to do in HS than focus on maximizing your chances of getting into the best school possible with the most scholarships.

Reply August 9, 2011

You need to stand out. Getting good grades in high school is great but nothing special. Colleges like a well rounded student. Not just someone who does nothing but studies

Reply August 9, 2011