

Running Maplestory on a netbook - Help

So...I have this netbook, HP mini 110, with Windows XP on it, and whenever I try to run maple on it I get this error code: -2147467259 right after the HackShield. However, so far I've connected this netbook to two external monitors and Maple runs fine on that screen. Is the netbook's screen just not big enough, or is there some way to be able to run Maple from only the netbook?

July 9, 2011

2 Comments • Newest first


yeah, I was just wondering if screen resolution had any effect on whether Maple would work, or any other possible ideas...

Reply July 9, 2011

mine used to do that but after it broke we sent it back to the company and when it came back i tried maple for no real reason and it worked .. .so . . curb stomp ur net book?

Reply July 9, 2011