

jchoi000 #General Talk


Stupid is as stupid does. Yesterday, Ch 1 Khaini crashed for about 10 minutes or so, so when Ch 1 came up, the fm flooded as people were trying to secure a spot in FMs 1-6. I was managed to get a spot in FM 3. In all this haste, I didn't pay perfect attention to the prices I was setting my items at and 5 minutes after I opened my shop, I realized that instead of placing an 18 ATT clean Dragon Khanjar at 1.3b (for auto win), I set it at 130,000,000. :( :( :( I missed a digit. Have you ever done something as stupid as this or is it just me? :p


Quitting Maplestory So I've been playing Maplestory on and off (mostly on lol) for 8 years, and this game--as sad as it is to say it--has been a big part of my life. I've been playing since v.016 and I've seen this game transform drastically over the span of 8 years, from the introduction of third jobs, to big bang, and finally, to the maple world that revolves around potential, profit, damage, and bossing. Now don't get me wrong, This isn't one of those "maple-isn't-what-it-used-to-be" threads; I am deciding to quit once and for all, not because of what the maple world has turned into, but because I believe Maplestory has finished its job of keeping me company and entertaining me throughout my adolescence and now I think it's tim


Giving to Others Hey guys, it's July! :) I just wanted to share an idea I came across today. What if once in a while- maybe once a year, a month, a week, or even every day, instead of spending ____ amount of NX on your character(s), [b]you used that money to positively help those in need, your friends, your family, or even a complete stranger?[/b] I don't know about you guys, but when I think of all the NX I've spent over the years, (and no, I'm not proud of it) I can't help but think, [i]if I used this money differently, what would change?[/i] Would a homeless person have gone one less day going hungry? Would I turn my mother's horrible day into a good one by treating her out to dinner? Or, [b]would I inspire another person to give selfles


Best Place for Maple Leafs Does anyone know where the best map for maple leafs is, or a map that has a lot of spawn? My mercedes recently got a free pet cat + item pouch from the "lucky logging off event" thing, and I saw this as a perfect opportunity to loot leaves. So, anyone know a place where you can get get a lot of leaves, fast? The mobs/monsters don't necessarily have to be a certain level, the map just has to have a good spawn so a lot of leaves drop. Edit: My Mercedes is level 109

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