

Root Canal tomorrow

It's going to be in the afternoon. I am pretty nervous.
They're going to sedate me because of my gag reflex.
Anyone else had a root canal? How was it like?
If not, what's your worst dental experience?

By the way guys go to the dentist every 6 months. Don't ignore it for 5+ years just because of "no pain".
I also have 9 cavities that need to be filled.

February 10, 2014

18 Comments • Newest first


You all have some weird root canal experiences. I've gotten two and besides the initial pinch when they put the needle for the anaesthetic, there's no pain.

Reply February 11, 2014

My mother got one a while ago, and she was pretty much out of sync for a week after that. But yeah, apparently it's the pain that sets in [i]after[/i] they're done that's the biggest problem. Still, it's better to get it over with than deal with a tooth rotting out.

Thankfully I've not had the "pleasure" of experiencing that level of agony, but I'm one of those unlucky sods that has sensitive gums, so even just the shots can be an excruciating journey in their own right, and getting fillings is a nightmare. Combined with my serious sweet-tooth, and its a recipe for disaster. The worst I've had to deal with thus far was the string of four~five teeth within a year of each other [b]IN A ROW[/b] that needed filling, and ALL of them were gumline.

After that, I started getting stronger toothpaste ( perscription grade 1.1% fluoride <3 ) so I'll hopefully never have to deal with that BS again T_T

Reply February 11, 2014

Numbing shots at my dentist are not that bad actually. I just hate seeing the needle going inside me lolz.

Reply February 11, 2014

I have to get a root canal either this month or the month after or the month after that and you're quite lucky that you have the option to be put to sleep.
Here I'm pretty sure you don't get that, but you get numbing shots.

I'm scared too because I'm only 13 and it's just a terrifying thought.

Reply February 11, 2014

I honestly have no idea how much a root canal hurts but heres a story.
I had a really bad tooth ache started on and off for about 3 days. One day it was just throbbing tried everything to stop it nothing. Up all night and my mom took me down to find a dentist that was opened ASAP. My regular dentist didn't pick the phone so we assumed it was closed. We drove down to find a dentist which told us a location of a specialist in root canal treatment. Got there ended up needing to get a root canal so they numbed me and put the gas on me It was over pretty quickly doesn't take that long. It took about a week to fully heal (pain and swollen) because of the severity of the problem. I was on 2 pills one to get rid of bacitiera and pain.
My experience was terrible shoulda went to dentist asap when it first happened. Silly me...
It was painful for me cause i was in deep pain already so....
Oh after the root canal they'll have to put a cap on the tooth and later fill it and put a permanent crown on the tooth (fake tooth)

Reply February 11, 2014 - edited

@Jellal They do, but for me at least, there was an occasional sharp pain
Not to mention its just painful hearing and feeling drill on tooth. The actual filling isn't bad though.

Reply February 11, 2014 - edited

[quote=bleachedguy]@Jellal They hollow out the tooth with a drill and fill it with a cement-like mixture.
Really, reeeeaallly painful.[/quote]
Don't they numb the gums?

[quote=BoredAF]Brush and floss your damn teeth. Do you know how costly it is to get a root canal and 9 fillings.[/quote]
Yeah I know. The root canal cost $2000 with the crown and the fillings cost $2250. In total $4250.
If it wasn't for the insurance I would have been screwed.

Reply February 11, 2014 - edited

[quote=BoredAF]Brush and floss your damn teeth. Do you know how costly it is to get a root canal and 9 fillings.[/quote]

thats why you beg for dental

Reply February 11, 2014 - edited

@Jellal They hollow out the tooth with a drill and fill it with a cement-like mixture.
Really, reeeeaallly painful.

Reply February 10, 2014 - edited

i had a root canal back in 2012
i dont really remember much but all i know is that it is not as bad as people say it is
also my tooth was soo damaged that i had to get one of those fake molars

now wisdom teeth removal, thats what you have to worry about - WORST 3 WEEKS OF MY LIFE

Reply February 10, 2014 - edited

[quote=bleachedguy]Root canals arent that bad, now fillings on the other hand...[/quote]

What's wrong with fillings?

Reply February 10, 2014 - edited

Root canals arent that bad, now fillings on the other hand...

Reply February 10, 2014 - edited

[quote=Craftinrock]The only pain was the initial needles in my gums. After that I felt perfectly fine, you don't even need painkillers.
Try filing your nails down and then smell them immediately after. It's like that but twice as strong.[/quote]

how long did the pain last?
I am thankful that when I go in I will be put to sleep. Then when I wake up it would be over.

Reply February 10, 2014 - edited

It doesn't hurt during the root canal, it just hurts after.

Reply February 10, 2014 - edited

[quote=Craftinrock]The only pain was the initial needles in my gums. After that I felt perfectly fine, you don't even need painkillers.
Try filing your nails down and then smell them immediately after. It's like that but twice as strong.[/quote]

Mine was the same; although I ended up having to pull out the tooth so I guess it wasn't really a finished job.

Reply February 10, 2014 - edited

[quote=Craftinrock]You lucky S.O.B.
I got a root canal on one of my front teeth and I got the needle(s).
Also when they were grinding the back off to get into the tooth, I could smell the burning bone and that wasn't pleasant.[/quote]

But did you feel pain? How did it smell like?
The place where I am getting it is the back molar.
Though I won't be able to smell anything since I will be knocked out cold.

Reply February 10, 2014 - edited

[quote=KamikazeDes]From what my friends have said, it's just like getting a cavity filled. It's certainly not as bad as getting your wisdom teeth removed.[/quote]

Yeah, though I am getting general anesthesia so I won't remember any of it.

Reply February 10, 2014 - edited

From what my friends have said, it's just like getting a cavity filled. It's certainly not as bad as getting your wisdom teeth removed.

Reply February 10, 2014 - edited