

jessyricky #Battlemage Talk

General Battlemage

Reaper useless (Tested) Well I've made many threads about this topic to max it or not to take sps from skills to max it so i watched some videos and noticed all the videos are from kms and kms reaper is diff from ours for instant I got it to lv.13 At lv.85 and it hardly summons but in kms it summons so much in there videos because a lv.13 reaper has I think 17% chance to summon in kms compare to ours which is 7% that's why it looks more stronger and summons more in the video. To rap this up this is what I'm saying reaper sucks it HARDLY spawns so the damage wouldn't matter anyways so people leave it at lv.13.

General Battlemage

What to do about reaper I've made threads about this topic to max reaper by taking sps from dark shock or adv dark chain or to just leave it at lv.13 so I'm decideing to take 7 sps from dark shock and leave it at lv.13 my reason for this is because even at lv.1 shock was op but at lv.13 it's really strong still if I max it I'm only losing like 10k damage which will be made up by doing a simple 5b plus I like the feeling of having 20 helpers follow you around and at 4th we all know dark gene will kinda replace it but also boost it so it would be lv.20 anyways then plus tornado spin seems more cooler then it you may use it a few times but I think doing 36% less damage shouldn't effect it so much because we have many other skill that do good d

General Battlemage

Is Dark Shock usefull? Well alot of people gave been saying that Dark Shock isnt that usefull because you dont really use it as much training. I only use it when I have a big mob and use advance chain to make them come to me and to finsh them off I use Dark shock or finsher but alot of people say they dont use it at all. So this is what im asking are you going to max it? Because im planning to take 7 sps off it and put them into reaper to max it since it only takes like 60% damage off Dark shock if its lv.13 and its already strong even at lv.1