
Reverse pescas or Reverse killic?

Hey guys

any idea on how I should scroll an reverse dagger?
I don't got money to back it up so if it blows im screwed...

December 31, 2010

8 Comments • Newest first


Any idea on how much Att an end game dagger should have?

Reply December 31, 2010

[quote=jiang153]But isn't a Reverse dagger better because it can lvl up thus adding att?[/quote]

[quote=AznRyaku]VIP daggers have higher base attack.

Reverse daggers have 35% chance of gaining 0 attack, 45% of gaining 1 attack, and 20% of gaining 2 attack.[/quote]

Yeah he answered that question [b]BUT realize in my post that you cannot resell a Reverse Dagger after you equip it[/b], so technically it becomes "worthless" if you want to start a new account. I'm just thinking of the longterm and suggest people to get VIP Daggers for the higher attack, better potential stats, and[b] the ability to sell the dagger again even after equipping it.[/b]

Reply December 31, 2010

[quote=StealthEXE]Think about a VIP Dagger.
They might cost 200m more but it has resale value; one day if you choose to quit your Shadower, you can atleast sell the dagger Plus you'd get 120+ potential instead of 70+ potential (i.e. 4% LUK instead of 3% LUK at Rare)

Then do 60% because you don't wanna risk breaking your dagger. I bought my VIP STR Dagger with 2 slots and tried scrolling and failed. Only 2/7 60% worked -_- but w/e lol

Should've waited for Xmas or for Vegas'[/quote]

But isn't a Reverse dagger better because it can lvl up thus adding att?

Reply December 31, 2010

Think about a VIP Dagger.
They might cost 200m more but it has resale value; one day if you choose to quit your Shadower, you can atleast sell the dagger Plus you'd get 120+ potential instead of 70+ potential (i.e. 4% LUK instead of 3% LUK at Rare)

Then do 60% because you don't wanna risk breaking your dagger. I bought my VIP STR Dagger with 2 slots and tried scrolling and failed. Only 2/7 60% worked -_- but w/e lol

Should've waited for Xmas or for Vegas'

Reply December 31, 2010

What Att should I aim for and how can I maker a good one like with what crystals etc.

Reply December 31, 2010

a reverse**

And as long as you still have that Golden Double Knife still, you'll survive. but imo the Killic looks kinda dumb, and if u have the STR for the Pescas go for it.

Reply December 31, 2010

Keep saving up for a pre-scrolled with solid potentials. Self-scrolling does risk explosions if you use Dark Scrolls, but remember that you also run the risk of a total fail scrolling. Seeing you don't seem to have a lot of mesos, that'd be sucky. xD

Reply December 31, 2010

60% if you don't want to risk blowing it up...

Reply December 31, 2010