

what is this

why gms doesnt have cool [url=]stuff[/url] like this?
i dont even know which version has it

November 13, 2014

5 Comments • Newest first


You can see which version has it by clicking on the layer for that item, then clicking on the red button near the trashcan icon.
Anyway, I don't know why we don't seem to get anything but street clothes, cute clothes, or Japanese outfits (nothing wrong with either, but it's a bit excessive). It bothers me, too. The Sword Art Online cash event was wonderful because it was nothing but fantasy outfits, which we almost never see. I'm not sure why we don't get fantasy outfits, seeing as it's a fantasy MMO, so I have no idea why we don't have stuff like that set.
I'm not fond of that set myself (I know people would love it, though) just because it's bulky, but I wish we'd get more stuff LIKE it, though.

Reply November 19, 2014

It looks out of place for maple so that's probably why, or it might be from something and they didn't want to pay for it to be in more than one version

Reply November 13, 2014

Looks like something people in gms would over price to $1000 a piece. Good thing it isn't here.

Reply November 13, 2014

i like armors, fantasy, rpg stuff, swords, staves..
all i see on gms are pink ribbons, sunglasses, rainbows, teddybear weapons, lollipops.
i know, i took the wrong game

Reply November 13, 2014

GMS has a lot of cool stuff, you just have to know when and where to get what.

Reply November 13, 2014