

jjohnson10 #Battlemage Talk

General Battlemage

No ones talking about this Hyper Skill With all the attention being funneled into Battle King Bar (with good reason), this set of Hyper Skills is going unnoticed: [quote=Orangemushroom]Dark Lightning - Reinforce: Dark Lightning's damage is increased by 20%.[/quote] [quote=Orangemushroom]Dark Lightning - Split Damage: Dark Lightning's damage is reduced to 1/4, number of hits is increased from 1 to 4.[/quote] [quote=Orangemushroom]Dark Lightning - Cooltime Reduce: Dark Lightning's cooldown is reduced by 100%.[/quote] With max level Dark Genesis and Reinforce adding 80% damage to Dark Lightning it has a maximum of 1140% damage. Multiply that by .25 and you get 4 hits of 280% damage twice in 2 seconds with 95% base critical rate. Finishing Blow

General Battlemage

Should I remake my Battle Mage? I have a Battle Mage on Khaini, as you can see by my flair. However, with the new resistance stuff, I'm considering remaking it on Windia for a couple of reasons. First off, Khaini is terrible. LHC parties last 30 seconds tops, and in terms of people to (talk to/do stuff with) you have two options: 1) someone who speaks a Romance language 2) someone who is horrible both of which are barriers to positive interaction, at least for me. Secondly, everything else I own is on Windia. More importantly though, I'm considering remaking my BaM because of all the free Resistance gear. I've had an Evil Wing staff for the past couple months on Khaini, and I'd have to be masochistic to turn down a free upgrade that doesn't

General Battlemage

My math is consistantly terrible some other stuff The range formula is (Range (Weapon Multiplier * ((4 * Primary Stat) + Secondary Stat) * (Attack / 100)), correct? I consistently manage to get the wrong answer even though I know I've plugged in the correct numbers. Someone tell me what I'm doing wrong. How does %damage (such as that from Elementalism and Battle Mastery) affect your range? EDIT: and does %stat affect bonus stats (Physical Training, +X on equipment) or just base stat?

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