

joejun #Chat Talk

General Chat

how do i get out of silver in league? i try my best to carry the game and not be toxic, but i cant help it. when the whole team is bunch of dump off the street who plays like monkey. i was in gold in season 2 and now in season 3 im stuck in silver. i went from silver 2 to silver 3 cuz of dumb dunkeys that play like crap. even in normal games i get at least 2~3 trolls that ruins the game. and once a week, i get 4 trolls in my team that causes brain dmg. rank is broken and its not even based on skills. im stuck in silver and i cant get out. i even tryed to play with plat duo. but that still work since the whole gold divison were trolls too. any advice how to carry my self to gold? i got 6.3k ip P.S. i start being toxic when my team starts bei

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